chapter 7

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Wow the food......the feeling of love in the air......the bright moon shining so brightly at night.......There's only a word to describe it -Paris.

I totally fell in love with this place. The ambiance is great! Especially when I have my favourite macaroons.Ummmmmm.....It is like when you eat it .....that indescribable.!

It was just a Friday night, no biggie but I have decided to roam around and explore Paris with non other than Siobhan who was like a lovestruck puppy after she met a guy at this club we went to last night.He was hot! but to me well I have someone else in mind that would fit into that category.....I have a feeling you know who that is.

Our internship officially starts next week. That means we should treasure our free time and use it the best we can. Can you imagine the busy schedule that we will have? So yesterday since we were stuck in our apartment, I suddenly had this brilliant idea to head out and partyyyyyy!Jamie caught a flu soon after he arrived. That poor boy ohh no! But that didn't stop Siobhan and I from going to the club to have fun at night.

We took an hour or two to get ready. I wore a tight and cute little black dress and Siobhan just wore this sheek white top and a mini pencil skirt.I wore this natural look and Siobhan had this dark eyeshadow around her eyes making her green eyes stand out even more. As we looked at ourselves in the mirror, we just felt super excited and ready to PARTY!

When we reached the club we bought a drink each and decided to head over to the dance floor. After a couple of songs, we took a short break when this guy in a blue tux with light brown hair and sea blue eyes asked Siobhan if he could buy her a drink. He's cute but nah... I excused myself by going to the ladies to freshen up abit but when I came back I can't find Siobhan anywhere so I guessed that my date decided to leave me. Besides, I was feeling quite tired and a bit tipsy so I decided to hail a cab and head back home.

About two hours later I got a call fron Siobhan saying that the two lovebirds decided to go on a date and that she was sorry about being caught up in the moment and totally forgot about me. But anyway I was totally okay with it as the last time Siobhan had a date was ages ago.She had been so busy being my manager and this was sort of a big break for her. I totally supported her in getting a great guy. I mean she totally deserves it. She has a great personality and good looking too!

The next day, I woke up to the constant ringing of the door bell.I looked over at the clock and realised it was already noon. I got up with a pounding headache and bed hair . I dragged my feet to open the door and guess who it was? Siobhan was there in this jolly mood asking me to get dressed quickly so that I can help her go dress shopping for her date tomorrow. I decided to take the chance to explore Paris myself.

I know this had been a short chapter but I will try and update soon:)

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