Chapter 5

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Saturday came fast enough. I had been really busy packing for the trip. This is what happens when you need to bring your whole closet overseas. Me and Siobhan had so much stuff! It was insane!

I hugged my fluffy dog and said goodbye to her with tears in my eyes. Im so gonna miss her..... My parents didn't allow me to bring her as they said that bringing a dog overseas is very troublesome as I would be too busy to care for a dog.

We were soon picked up by my chauffeur and were brought to the airport.When we reached the airport,Jamie was already there.He was staring at us with a frown on his face.

"Why are you guys so late?! The last time we went on a trip you guys were also late.Luckily for u we are taking a private jet!"

We ended up going him tons of excuses as we made our way to the plane.I was really excited to go to Paris, when I was a little girl, my parents told me about how they met which coincidentally, they met in Paris, the city of love. It was so cliché like so many other romance themed books but I guess things happens for a reason right? Hmmm i wonder ...

We started fooling around with each other as we were waiting for the flight. People looked at us disapprovingly as we ran around the airport like our very own playground behaving like little kids.I think that that was probably the last time that I acted so childishly and didn't have to care of what others think of me. We did not really bother about those looks people were giving us.We just want to have fun! Since we would be starting to act like adults being professional and all.

I think that working at my parent's company in Paris will be a good experience for me . Especially with Siobhan by my side what can possibly go wrong? Sadly, all our fun at the airport soon ended as we boarded our plane.About ten minutes after settling in our very comfortable seats, the plane was ready to take off. As I was seating in the window seat admiring the view of the blue skies that hung high up in the clouds above.Siobhan was busily typing away on her laptop as always. Jamie had his eyes closed , listening to music on his headphones that me and Siobhan bought for him for his birthday last year. He looked so much like an angel.....

Soon,the food came and it was exquisite! the salmon was smoked and it had this cream source that you can dip.Heavenly!!!! That is what you get seating on a private plane.There will be this chef that will make every passenger happy.There was even dessert after the main course and guess what? ? It was Häagen Daz ice cream!!!!!! My favourite!!!!!!With every spoonful of it, made me smile more with pure joy.


Hi there! I will update the next chapter soon! hope you like it:)♡mel

Paris loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang