Chapter 10

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As I opened the door ,I saw this tall guy who has green eye, curly brown hair, wearing an expensive black tux with a smile on his face.This must be the famous Tyler!

"Hi Ty!"Siobhan pushed past me and they looked lovingly at each other."This is Melody.Mel this is Tyler! "We said a few hi and byes and soon after Siobhan and Tyler were off on their very first date.I really hope that it work out for the both of them as she haven't dated in awhile and this is her chance to find her long last love.Seeing the way he looked at her was just so sweet.I bet the date will go very well as they looked so smitten.

I went up to my apartment and decided to take a bubble bath to relax myself after a long day.I felt so calm and relaxed after the bath.

Suddenly the door bell started ringing.I wasn't expecting anyone tonight was I? Maybe it was Siobhan telling me about her date but she said that she will be late.I opened the door and saw a bouquet of red roses lying on my doorstep.I picked it up and read the card that was attached to the flowers.It said:

Dear Melody,

Please meet me my apartment at 9.I have something prepared for you.See u soon and wear something nice.



I was really shocked but I looked over at the clock and realised that it was actually 8:30pm already and I only had half an hour left.I immediately went to my room and picked out a simple dress, applied a little gloss that was glittery and wore a 5 inch Christian Louboutin heels which was a gift to me on my birthday last year from Jamie.He knew that I was crazy over them as I used to make him go shoe shopping with me and Siobhan.It was awesome though not comfy but it was classy!

I was at Jamie's door and as I waited for him to open the  door my heart was pounding against my chest but I remained a calm expression. As the door opened, a hot guy wearing a crisp white collared button down shirt with black pants greeted me at the door. As I walked passed him, I was breathing in the strong colone he was wearing. I saw two candles on the dining table and rose petals scattered on the apartment floor. It was a really sweet surprise. As he led me to my seat and pulled the chair out for me, showing me his gentlemanly side of him.

The wulnut salad he made was quite refreshing! After eating oily food everyday it's nice to eat something healthier.

"I decided to cook for us a light dinner and I know that Siobhan has a date tonight and you had no plans.I thought that it was really good for us to have some time to ourselves after so long to do some catching up and talk about us ."

"That was really sweet of you Jamie I really loved the suprise and everything.We have known each other practically our whole lives and we sort of admitted we liked each other but it has been awhile and I was wondering if you still felt the same. "

This evening was totally not what I have anticipated. I thought I would be watching romantic movies , maybe ordering pizza to spoil myself a little but to admit my feelings to this hot guy here was right at the bottom of my list was something I didn't expect myself to be doing today.

There was a moment of silence in the air.It wasn't awkward or anything okay, maybe just a little or maybe alot!

I was just about to leave when someone grabbed hold of my hand.

"Mel! Wait!"Jamie said in a pleading tone. "C'mon just give it a try? Maybe it will work. Mel and Jamie. Jamie and Mel.I  know that this is a shock to you but the truth is.......I like you and you like me too, so what better reason you have to back away from me? Will you give us a chance?" he looked into my eyes and I into his green ones. Silence was in the air that only our breathing could be heard.As we leaned towards each other . Just as our lips were about to touch,"RINGGGGG!!!!!"there goes the doorbell. Dammit!!! Who the hell was it?!

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