chapter 9

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Today is the start of our internship.I was kind of nervous about it as I only remembered the time when I was a little girl fooling around in my parent's office while my parents were busy answering phone calls, going for meetings, while I play with my toys with Jamie in the children's room, built just for us, the two troublemakers. Before the room was built we would roll around the floor, draw on our parent's important notes , play with toilet papers and play with glitter all around the whole building running up and down.I surely miss those carefree moments of my life.The pure joy with no worries and no stress.

Siobhan and I woke up early to do our makeup and hair together at a salon near our place.I had this perm that made my face look smaller and it was pretty with the curls down my sides.For my makeup, I was going for a more natural look while Siobhan had purple eyeshadow and her hair twisted into a stylish bun.We looked great!I wore a cute blue V neck dress while Siobhan chose a sheek button down top and teal coloured jeans.Trying to look professional wasnt hard.I had loads of experience with many functions and dinner parties or business meetings . Since Siobhan and I had a fair share of it.We both know how to dress up which is really fun when we are bored and by ourselves, we would always play dress up and have different themes so as to make things interesting.

Jamie called and asked us to meet him to have breakfast together later so that we can start work together. We decided to have McDonald for breakfast. We have been hanging out there when we were in Califonia and often eat there together.It has been awhile as I was on a diet and so we ate healthier but it have been so long and I really wanted to eat it.

We reached Sparks after breakfast. We were filling in our parent's places in the company to experience what they are doing but luckily we had help from their secretary if not we probably had srewed things up. Not to mention there were many cute guys there however every time I talked to one of them Jamie would ask me some ridiculous questions and also ask my opinion. After a while I just gave up and let him bother me with his questions. Siobhan was telling those guys that she is seeing someone but they were so persistent. Well with looks like Siobhan there is no way guys will turn away from her.Working in a fashion magazine, there are also many pretty employees(guys and girls)which can't seem to get away from Jamie. They constantly ask him if he wanted anything, needed any help or if they are brave enough, asked him for his number. It was annoying and to be honest, I was kind of jealous. But I decided not to make it obvious . Which was hard as the girls were all over him.

Soon after we had lunch at the company's cafeteria, we continued our busy schedule all the way till 6 .Siobhan dragged me to her apartment and made me sit down and comment on all the outfits after she changed into them until we found the perfect outfit.It was the dress.It was a simple white dress with some beads embedded on the dress and it was gorgeous!Not to mention there were clothes thrown everywhere.

About every other minute or so she would look at the mirror and do a little touch up here and there . To make sure everything is well.She must really like this guy whose name is Tyler. I asked her to introduce this guy to me but she said that I will probably be like her dad and scare him away before they even went on a official date but if anyone I mean anyone break my bestie's heart, they are so going to get it from me.

hi I hope you guys enjoy this chapter please comment and vote! I will try to update soon:)♡mel

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