A New Year

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Originally posted to alexisdonkin.com blog, by Rowan Gray, 1-1-16

This morning, I woke up and could have sworn the sunlight through the shutters was musical. It was that perfect early light. I could smell pancakes, syrup, sausage, and hot tea. I heard my sister clamoring around, chattering about everything she intends to do today with her friends.

It was perfect – at least in that moment.

I can't believe it's another year.

I'm anxious for something to happen. Maybe this year...

I get butterflies whenever I'm asked to do a salvage mission. I can't wait to get out of Lancaster, if only for a few hours or days. It's gotten a little too predictable. I know all the routines. I know every inch of Lancaster and the surrounding areas. I know when every person in town wakes up, does which chores, eats, pees, and sleeps. I know how they react when they see me, and how different their reaction is to my friends, or even my sister.

I want to get out of Lancaster. I want to see the world I read about in books while at the university. I want to visit one of the larger towns – at least to see what it's like. Then maybe I could settle into my role. Maybe then I would be okay staying in Lancaster.


It's a new year. Who knows what might happen? Things could change.

Even I could change.

Rowan is the main character in the forthcoming dystopian novel, THE CHANGELING TREE, available June 2016!

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