Merry Christmas!

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By Sybil Rollins, Originally posted on 12-25-15 blog

Dear Friends,

In the last few years our family has been through so much. It's been painful and difficult, but at the same time, we always had each other.

We're all doing well. Sybil has been working on her drop-shipping business and Rick has been developing consulting and speaking. While each has it's ups and downs, both continue to have steady returns.

Jeremiah has reached an equilibrium after everything. He has decided to go to law school. Andrew is as always, a rock. It looks like he will major in economics. James is adjusting to his new responsibilities and status, and as recommended, is looking into political science as a possible major. Frederick has taken up Jeremiah's old mantle, but continues to do reasonably well in school and is exceling in mechanical engineering. Meanwhile, Charles has become our resident nerd, diving into books, games, art, and science.

Despite everything that has happened – we are grateful for where we are today. We are grateful we're in Vermont, no matter how much snow is on the ground, no matter what the temperature is. We are grateful we are able to be together for the holidays. We are grateful that no matter what happened in Pittsburgh, or how the economy is doing, we are together. We always stick together.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas holiday, full of family, friends, and joy! And if you noticed a lot of howling tonight, don't worry about it. It's just more celebrating.

After all, it's a full moon.


The Rollins Family

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