Chapter 8

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Victoria's POV

Everyone's in their beds just not me. I'm sitting in the kitchen just staring at a point, my mind somewhere else. In my thoughts I'm in my past. When I was human. I was so different, being like I am is just so I protect myself from being hurt. I don't think I could take it if someone hurts me, like really hurts me. There are a lot of things that don't really bother me but there are some things with that you can make me really mad and sad at once.

Well, guess what just happened today? Someone hit that point where I become angry.

When Louis told the reason for a vampire connection I kinda wanted to kill him... he could have told me that he turned me into a vampire. It's not the fact that he turned me, it's that he didn't tell me even though he knew it from the beginning, that's what bothers me.


"Victoria, stop running!" Pascalle yells after me.

"No, come on, run, it makes you feel free!" I yell back.

She starts running too. Once in my life I'm faster than her. But once I run past an rather dark alley I'm being pulled to the side. A hand is on my mouth so I can't scream. Now I don't even see Pascalle anymore. Where the hell is she?

Before I can think more I feel a sharp pain in my neck.

"Shh, it stops hurting soon, just be relaxed." I hear a voice, the voice of the guy in front of me.

"It hurts, please make it stop." I manage to say.

"It stops in a few, just let me finish."

He pulls away from me, his mouth full of blood.

I just stare at him, everything going dizzy and I sink down on the ground.

The last thing I remember is that I feel a warm liquid going down my throat. His own blood.

Behind me I hear a noise and look up.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you're in here." a voice that I recognize as Liam's says.

"It's okay." I say and sigh.

"What's up?" he asks and sits down next to me.

"It's... It's just that I don't understand why Louis didn't tell me that he turned me."

"He didn't want to hurt you, he really likes you. Probably more than just like, I would say he has a crush on you."

"That isn't a reason to hide that from me and you know that too, you're really mature you understand what I mean."

"I understand, but I also understand Louis, he doesn't wanna lose you do you even realize how much it hurts him that you're with Harry?" Liam says slowly.

"First of all, that with Harry is not fix, we just really like each other and second, being honest is the most important thing."

"You're right, you're right..." Liam agrees.

"Well, I'm going out now. I'm hungry."

"I'll join you." 

"You can't"

"I don't feed on animals anymore either. And I know that you can't drink the blood of animals anymore. I'm not stupid."

"Okay then lets go."

*later that night*

Liam and I are back from hunting, we didn't kill anyone just drank so we aren't thirsty anymore.

I Try Till I Die {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now