Chapter 11

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Victoria's POV

It's around 4am when I wake up. I feel bad. Really bad. And I'm thirsty. I need some blood. My body is dry. I decided to sleep in my own room tonight. I thought it would be better to handle what had happened. I get out of bed walking into the living room. I see Harry there. As quiet as possible I sneak to the door. 

"I can hear you." he says turning around. "Why do you want to avoid talking to me?"

"Because it hurts. Really much. I felt something special for you, I wanted to find out what it is, but Pascalle turned you, that means you're like a puppy doing everything for her cause you're newborn and she made the connection between you. She did that well, to become a bitch."

"But I asked her to turn me, I wanted to. It's not her fault. I asked her to turn me because I knew I wouldn't have a chance against Louis if it came for a decision who you want to date."

"Only my head said Louis. My heart thought different. Believe me. You had a big part in there."

"Had?" he asks silently.

"Yes, had. You're after Pas now, goodluck with competing against two older vampires that turned her. You will need it."

"Can you help me?"

"I don't know if i can help you with getting my best friend I hate right now because she turned a guy I had feelings for, I seriously don't know." I'm kinda devastated right now, well my mind. To many things at once.

"No I didn't mean that, no one can help me I have like no chance but I want you to help me be a good vampire. I can't ask Pascalle, you know she turned into this bad girl I have no clue what happened."

"Of course I'll help you with that. But I'm gonna go now, I'm thirsty. You wanna join? I can help you to control yourself while drinking." I smile a bit. I know he can see it. Vampires obviously see better in the dark.

"Uhm yeah, that's a good idea I'll join." Harry says and also smiles.

"Niall you too?" I heard him coming into the room.

"Yup, where should we go? Just somewhere around and look if we find someone?" I nod and we leave.

We walk past a dark alley. It gives me kinda flashback of over 200 years ago, you know, when I got turned. Something dangerous is in the air. "Do you guys feel that too?" Harry asks worried. Niall and I both nod walking faster. Suddenly someone turns up in front of us. Our eyes wide by who we see.


Niall's brother.

Niall stands nearest to him, I'm behind Harry, who is behind Niall. I feel someone grabbing me from behind. "Hey, let me go you dickhead" I yell but he just tightens his grip. "Harry, run home, get Liam and Louis, NOW" within a second Harry runs as fast as he can. Greg comes closer to me. I'm scared. Really scared. And too much happened so I can't hide anything anymore. I'm too weak. my cheek still burns from that slap I recieved. I don't know, things changed. I would have never thought this was gonna happen.

"Leave her alone." Niall growls pushing Greg away.

"Little brother, you are so gonna die, i think it's the right time to say bye." Greg gets mad and throws Niall on the floor.

"Hey, stop, you ass! You can't kill your own brother!" I scream. I kick the guy behind me but he's stronger. Gosh, why am I the weakest vampire on earth right now? I'm forced to watch Greg stab Niall with a bough that is as long as his arm. As soon as it is in Niall they disappear. I rush to him and pull it out. "Niall, don't leave. Stay, stay alive."

"I died already once, I'm not afraid of death." he smiles at me. "You know, before you die as a vampire you're human again." he continues weakly. "I feel that I am one right now. Can you do something for me?" I nod. I'd do everything for that irish lad. He's like a brother to me. "I've never been kissed as a human. Could you?" A few seconds none of us speaks. "forget it it was probably a bad id-" I interrupt him with putting my lips gently on his mouth, kissing him, he kisses back,, until he doesn't move anymore. I look at him and close his eyes. Tears streaming down my face.


"Don't say things that aren't true." I spit out really mad. I try to walk into my room, block everything but I don't get the chance too. Pascalle pushes me against a wall pressing her hand against my throat.

"Why are you fucking lying to me? Do you think I'm dumb?" Her voice is full of hate.

"What happened to you." I cry out.

"You happened." she throws me through the room, I crash through a door. A wooden door. Some part of it goes right through my stomach I shout in pain when I fall back. I'm not able to move anymore. I'm too weak. I try to yell for anyone to help me, but my voice cracks and nothing comes out. "Guess what Victoria? I turned Zayn as well." after those words i pass out.

hello ♥ i hope you like this chapter it took me a while to write it! haha vote and comment please, lots of love xx Victoria :)

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