Chapter 12

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Louis' POV

I feel like being stabbed and groan out in pain. "Louis? What's happening?" Liam asks worried.

"I don't know, there needs to be something with Victoria that's the only thing that is possible, I think someone stabbed through her stomach, but then it went through her back first. Ohmygod the pain!" I scream out. Liam runs and I try to follow him. We were a bit outside, to make us feel better, don't blame us we've lost one of our best friends, the one we all were protective towards, the cute blond irish lad that loves to say the word 'craic'

We arrive at the flat and see that Victoria crashed through a door and just lays there. Not moving. Not even breathing. "Help her Liam" I shout still feeling pain. But the next second it's gone. Wait does that mean she's, that she's dead?

I go to my room, sending Pascalle a death glare when I walk past her. She just looks shocked at Victoria. Liam still tries to help her, but to be honest it probably won't. The part of the door that went through her was too big, she won't survive this. And i feel like I'm gonna die. Without her I wouldn't be anything anymore. 

I hear someone screaming. It's Pascalle. I try to listen what's happening, maybe someone came, oh my god what if the vampire hunters found us?! I listen some more. Yes, they did, they found us. I open the door a little bit and spy through the small part. They bound Liam and Pascalle up, they come to my room, fuck! I quickly climb out of the window, ready to kill the first one. I don't know how right now, but I will try. I try till I die, right? I'm gonna try to keep my loved ones safe no matter what. I can't lose another friend.

I hear someone coming closer to the window. I jump on him vampirespeed and turn his head really fast that his neck breaks before he can even make a single noise. I take his body and leave the flat through the window. I jump down and thow him into a container before climbing up again to warn Zayn and Harry, they are in the room next to mine. I enter through the window and put my index finger on my lips showing them not to say a single word.

"Vampire hunters are here. They have Victoria, Pascalle and Liam." I whisper. "I don't even know if Victoria is still alive, she was thrown through a door by Pascalle." their eyes widen but they don't talk about this, they know we need to rescue them. 

"I might have an idea." Harry starts. "There are three ways to enter the flat. The front door, and those two windows. So what if each of us is on one side, there are two people, we should be able to kill them." Zayn and I nod. We'll manage that. We will rescue our friends.

Victoria's POV

I see Liam and Pascalle tied up. I just sit in a corner. My head hurts. Then I notice that I'm not tied up. "What's happening?" I ask two men that are sitting on our sofa staring at Pascalle and Liam. They turn around looking at me.

"You, my friend are human again." one of them comes closer to me putting a hand on my cheek. His face comes closer his breath against my skin gives me goosebumps. I'm scared. I push him away. 

"I want to go now." I say coldly standing up only to be pushed against a wall.

Suddenly all the windows crash and the door breaks. Before I even notice much I'm being laid down on my bed. "Stay here love, you're not a vampire." Louis says and kisses me softly. Then he runs back to the living room. I hear him screaming, followed by Harry and Zayn. That's it, I will try to help them.

I try till I die.

I take my gun out of a drawer. Yes, i have a gun. I hold it behind my back, same with my other hand so it lookes more casual. I walk to the living room. "Victoria, are you crazy? Go back!" Liam shouts and recieves a punch in the face by one of the vampire hunters.

"Leave them alone! They don't do anything to anyone!" I yell.

"That doesn't matter, they are vampires! They should have died over 200 years ago! They need to die!" 

"No! Don't kill them!" i scream and shoot. 

"You're also vampires." mumble really shocked. Fuck. I'm so dead. One of the men comes close. Too close. "G- go away." he doesn't he puts his lips on my neck and then he bites me. I yelp in pain. He drinks my blood. I slide down along the wall due to my weakness. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I love you guys, never forget that."

And that's when the moment with "I try till I die" became reality. I see the light, the warmth. But when I turn around I see what's happening right now. Louis tore the rope with vervain, killed the men with the parts of the door, rushes to me. "Don't leave me, don't." he cries.

"Victoria, it's time." I hear an angelic voice. Niall. "The others will be there too, trust me. Those vampires what were vampire hunters had bombs with them that were connected to their heart beat, and when it stops the bomb explodes in about 1 minute. We'll see them in heaven."

"Wait, we all will be in heaven? How is it there? Will we live there forever? In peace?" I ask. Niall nods. I holds out his hand and I take it. "I'm scared Niall."

"You don't need to be." he hugs me tight. 

"Do you think Pascalle and I will be friends again?"

"Of course, you promised to be friends forever, it's going to be alright. I promise you."

"Thanks Niall." we walk into the light and I close my eyes it's so bright. I see my whole life like a movie, the good parts the sad parts, everything. And when I open them again I see Liam, Pascalle, Louis, Zayn and Harry right in front of me, and Niall next to me. 

"Should we start again? From the beginning? Leave everything that happened behind us?" Liam suggests.

"Yes, I'm Victoria and this is my best friend Pascalle." I say and make everyone laugh. We all hug tightly, starting our new life. No vampires, no vampire connection, just us.

~ hi ♥ this is the last chapter, we have some reasons for that and I hope you like it. It just came to my head, it's not a very good last chapter tbh but yeah, we hope you enjoyed reading this fanfic, sorry that it ended so soon. lots of love from us both! xxx Victoria & Pascalle ♥

I Try Till I Die {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz