Chapter 9

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Victoria's POV

I wake up in my bed. Louis and I will go to the fair today. I love the fair so much! It's always fun. You can just have fun there not thinking about anything, you just enjoy the roller coasters and everything. It's this special feeling, it feels like you're free.

I get out of my bed and look for clothes to wear, then I do my hair and my make-up is the last I do. I put on my shoes and see Louis already waiting in the living room. "I'm ready let's go?" I say with a huge smile and he nods when he gets up from the sofa. We leave and walk to the fair. It's a nice day, the sun shines and a few clouds are on the sky. I feel him grabbing my hand and I squeeze his a bit. He looks at me and I smile.

"What roller coaster first?" I ask him and smile widely.

"I don't mind, we could start from the left and go to the right and somewhere in the middle we can eat candy floss?" he answers and puts his arm around my waist pulling me a bit closer. He's cute.

"Sounds good to me, ready for the first roller coaster?" he nods and we walk faster. We get in and there comes a man pushing the bars that you don't fall out to our bodies. Soon after that it goes up and when we're at the highes point it goes down really fast and then comes a looping. Louis and I scream cause we enjoy it. The ride isn't long and it stops already.

"Enjoyed it?" Louis asks and I nod happily.

We spent a few hours already at the fair and now we sit down on a bench. It's around 5pm right now. "Something is wrong here Louis"

"What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you noticed how everyone left? It's only 5 we should leave too this is kinda scary." I pull him with me and we run vampire speed home to get away.

When we're in front of our appartment building he says "I'm sorry this date turned out like this."

"No worries Louis." I kiss his lips, well it's more like a peck and as soon as I pull back his face comes closer to mine wanting more than just a simple kiss. I lean against the wall with Louis in front of me. His soft lips are on mine and his tongue asks for entrance what I give. I open my mouth and let his tongue slip into my mouth.

"You know you aren't like i thought you are." he says smiling.

"Is that good or bad?" I say pouting my lips.

"Definitely good. You're a sweet kind girl. i like you."

"You know I've only been the bad girl cause being a vampire made me like that? The people that were or maybe still are after us?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's fine. I leant to live with this, and look where we are now? We should go up again it starts raining."


"Victoria!" Zayn and Liam shout when Louis and I enter the flat.

"What's up?" I ask.


"I didn't?!?!"

"Oh, and who was it then?" Liam asks annoyed.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Look, I see it like that. Last night you walked into Harry's room and turned him, then you walked back. That's it and today morning you went to the fair with Louis not telling us what happened. I thought we could TRUST you." Zayn says mad.

"You, can cause she didn't do it!" Louis defends me.

"Oh and how do you know? Were you the one who turned him?" Liam says offensive.

"No! But if she says she wasn't the one who turned him she wasn't! Just trust her!" he screams.

I start to cry cause I can't believe that they don't believe me and storm out into the rain. I run as fast as I can to a park that is far away from the flat. I sit on a bench in the pouring rain.

"You should get out of the rain." a voice says.

"I don't care anymore." I say and a guy sits down next to me.

"Oh, really? Because no one believes you that you haven't turned Harry?"

"I thought you're dead." I spit out. I know who he is. Sadly I do.

"I'm not. As you see I'm pretty alive." he says. I get up to leave when he grabs my wrist pulling me back straight into his arms. "You're going to stay with me or i will kill you right after making you feel more pain than you ever had."

"As if I would believe that." I pull myself away and run but he catches me and tackles me down. I lay with my back on the grass and he sits on my hips. "Get off me. NOW" I yell at him but he doesn't move away. Instead he pulls something out I wish he wouldn't.

"I told you little bitch. I like bad girls did you know that? I don't think you know it. Move and i stab you with a wooden thing which has been in vervain for 2 weeks. You don't want this do you?" I shake my head and stay still. I close my eyes and gladly I drift off to darkness.

Louis' POV

"I think I should tell you something. I was the one who turned Harry." someone says that isn't me and we all just stare with our jaws dropped.

CLIFFHANGER :D haven't done one for a while haha I would have an idea who could have turned Harry, but maybe Pascalle sees it differently ;) we will find out! hope you like this chapter!! vote and comment please i love you xxx Victoria ♥

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