#5 Remember...

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-Hazel is only thirteen.

-Frank sleeps as a bulldog.

-Thalia has a fear of heights.

-Hazel has gold eyes.

-Jason has a furrow in his hair from a bullet.

-Hazel and Frank are three years apart.

-Nico can speak fluent Italian.

-Piper's dad thinks she is at another boarding school.

-Percy has the SPQR tattoo.

-Nico doesn't have a cabin on the Argo II.

-Sally doesn't know about Percy falling in Tartarus.

-Piper never met Silena.

-The Hephaestus cabin thinks they lost another sibling in an explosion.

-Thalia will watch all her friends die, and her brother.

-Bianca will never know that Nico is gay.

-Beckendorf won't go to college.

-Luke's mom is still waiting for him to come home.

This is so sad :'(((

And on top of that, RIP Alan Rickman and David Bowie. Doesn't anybody think it's ironic that they died four days in between, of cancer, and at 69 years of age? :O

~16 January, 2016

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