#88 Hades

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Hades: *is faithful to his wife*

Hades: *spends his time chilling in the Underworld*

Hades: *doesn't really get involved in the poopstorms the other gods cause*

Hades: *is just in putting punishments over to sinners*

Hades: *technically all harsh punishments are made by his wife* 



Hades: *is the antagonist in every media about Greek gods*

I got some Hades stuff, so there will be a lot of it nowadays, for a week or so.

I got some Hades stuff, so there will be a lot of it nowadays, for a week or so

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Day#25: So many... Jason falling in the Grand Canyon for Piper, the bonding of Piper and Annabeth (and Hazel, though it never really was mentioned), claiming of Piper, Jason meeting Thalia, Frazel finally happening, Percabeth reunion, Annabeth/Reyna bonding, Hazel and Frank getting accustomed to the Greeks, Percabeth separated, Percabeth in Tartarus, the final battle, god/demigod fighting together...

I'm sure there's more!

~8 April, 2016

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