#26 The Honorary Caligula

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Whenever you do something stupid, just remember that the Roman Emperor Caligula waged war on Poseidon. He ordered his army to march to the sea and start stabbing the water. XD

Also, DemigodInTraining tagged me to the 13 question thingy challenge, which I already did, but I liked their questions so I'm just gonna answer them :)

-What is your favorite colour?

Mint and purple.

-What do you like to do in your free time?

Just check my profile...

-Can you swim?

Not very well.

-Do you love blue cookies?

OMG on Percy's birthday I made blue cookies and shared them with my friends in school. So, yes.

-Do you like chocolate?

Only milk.

-What is your favorite food?

Indian food!!

-What is your favorite animal?

I love all animals, except cats, but if I have to choose it would be dogs.

-Do you like fish?

NO! I'm terrified of them!!

-Do you like to EAT fish?

... I'm a vegetarian.

-Do you ship Caleo?


-Do you ship Frazel?


-Did you realize there was no question 10?


~6 February, 2016

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