353 18 143

Woohoo guys!! We reached 100!! Thank you for sticking with me so far!! :)

Okay, trivia time!! Hope you refreshed your memories ;)


1. What is Thalia's favorite band?

2. What is Luke's mother's name?

3. Who killed Nico and Bianca's mother?

4. Who tried to become the Oracle but failed?

5. Who is The Last Olympian?

6. How does Luke die?

7. Which school did Leo and Piper go to?

8. Who erased Percy's and Jason's memories?

9. Whom did Percy meet in the Wolf House?

10. When is Jason's birthday?

11. At what age did Annabeth start camp?

12. What cabin is number 7?

13. Who does Percy kill in the Triple G Ranch?

14. What did Percy mistake the Chimera for?

15. Zoe Nightshade was the daughter of ...?

16. Where did Luke get his scar from?

17. At what age did Luke die?

18. Percy says Annabeth's hair smells like ...?

19. What does Calypso give Percy?

20. What is Jason's and Thalia's mother's name?

21. Who was the bully in school in The Sea of Monsters?

22. Jason wakes up where in The Lost Hero?

23. What kind of car did Paul have?

24. What was Grover's crush before Juniper?

25. What was the giant ants that captured Beckendorf in The Demigod Files?

You have to PM me the answers. The contest closes on 22 April. Please don't cheat, try your best. If there is a spelling mistake I will deduct half a point. 


1st place: Follow (if I already haven't), read and vote on your book, recommend your book, dedicate ten chapters to you, and two more things you can ask me to do. 

2nd place: Follow (if I already haven't), read and vote on your book, dedicate five chapters to you and one more thing you can ask me to do.

3rd place: Follow (if I already haven't), recommend your book, dedicate one chapter to you.

4th place: Recommend your book.

Also, it doesn't matter when you answer if you answer before the 22nd. It makes no difference to the final result.

Should I do a round two of the contest? 

Good luck!!

~20 April, 2016

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