#44 Remember (2)

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-Percy is NOT stupid, and babyish.

-Annabeth has dyslexia too. She couldn't pronounce cyclops in SoM.

-Frank is a bad*** mofo, he pulled, no, ripped an arrow out of his arm.

-Hazel knows stuff about the present. She clearly knows what a chicken nugget is now.

-Piper is NOT a girly girl, nor a fangirl. She has more important stuff to do than run around camp spying and taking pics of her OTPs.

-Jason is not always serious. Just because this guy got hit with a brick, doesn't mean he acts like one.

-Leo's a GENIUS. Not only Annabeth.

Just to lighten the mood, no cursing in this book :)

~24 February, 2016

Percy Jackson: Insanity, Stuff and More Insanity [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora