#19 Percabeth (One shot)

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"Oh! Percy look!" Annabeth pointed to a tiny little bunny nestled in grass, it's pointy nose twitching as it stared at the speaker.

Percy smiled, "Come on, Wise Girl, let's have a look around."

Percy and Annabeth Jackson had got a apartment, in Camp Jupiter. Annabeth had frequently felt bored as there was nothing to do really, but wait and read and make blueprints and read when Percy went to work. So, Percy had decided that they needed another living thing in the house, apart from the one that was on the way.

Annabeth walked around the shop, sometimes aww-ing at the cute animals, and screamed a bit as she spotted some spiders, nothing really catching her interest.

"Look!" Annabeth quickly beckoned Percy over, who seemed to be annoyed as he stared at the fish tanks. 

Annabeth had seen a poodle, "Don't you recognize it?" she asked.

Percy stared, It looked so familiar...

"It's Gladiola!" Annabeth whacked Percy.

"Wow," Percy muttered, "You have a good memory. Do you want it?"  

"No," Annabeth decided, "Let's buy it for Piper, her birthday gift." 

Percy sighed, "Fine. I though we should we should buy that bunny you saw, it's low maintenance."

Annabeth nodded, "It seemed like a cute little thing:"

Percy called over the owner, and paid for the poodle and bunny. 

"$440" Percy grumbled, "You better be happy I have a high paying job."

Annabeth laughed as she picked up the bunny, and Percy picked up Gladiola. He put his arm around her waist, his had coming to a rest on her slightly bulging stomach, and together, they walked out.


I think the ending turned out lame..

Dedicated to percabethfangirls929 for the request!!

~30 January, 2016

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