#39 Calypso in the Modern World

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Calypso: *sees TV*

Calypso: ...

Leo: Oh, this is a TV-


Leo: Oh no, that's not-


This is somewhat related to what I'm gonna tell you now.

We had a online test, called the ISA. You might have heard of it, you might have not. It basically determines your level in English and Maths. 

For English, we had to write a story. They had given a picture of a rope. Smart me, after finishing (not finishing) I copied the text. And after the test I pasted it into a document. Here's my entry:


I slowly untangle the piece of rope. It is a slow, tedious task, and thankfully, I was nearing the end. I pull and adjust the rope, making it easier, and after a few minutes, I am done. I lay the long length of rope along the stretch of sea, and squat at the beginning. My task now is to unravel it, which I hope would not take very long. My skillful fingers, perfected from years of practice, move through the rope, pulling, knotting, unraveling.

As my fingers do the job, I look at the sky. The sun was beginning to set, turning the horizon into shades of red. The colour spreads out across the sky, like tendrils, trying to grasp the length of blue. I had been seeing this happen for centuries, though it never ceases to amaze me.

I gasp out, as a stinging pain runs across my palm. I look down, my entrancement broken, and stare at my hand. I had come across a sharp, pointy object in the rope. As I stare at my palm, the wound begins to heal itself, layers of skin covering over itself. Though the golden blood stops flowing, a sting remains.

I get up and stumble, hitting my foot on a sharp shell which I was definite I had never seen before. Through my tears, I see the familiar golden blood start to trickle down my foot. I limp over to my tiny hut, where I have kept my medicinal herbs. I pull a bottle off the shelf, and taking a piece of cloth, I wet it with the liquid and dab it on my wounds. The pain ceases. I limp over to my bed and lay down.

This always happenes when the gods sent someone to my island, their way of mocking me. The cruel attitude of the gods infuriates me. They think, just because they have my father captive, and have forced him to hold up the sky, they can mock me? I wish to fight, but I am helpless on this island.

I wait, expecting the 'hero' to arrive any minute, hopefully not crushing my dining table like the previous one. But instead of a crash, I hear a soft whistling sound, which can only mean one thing. I rush outside, as fast as I could, and see Hermes, the god of messengers, on my island.

"What do you want?" I say, trying to keep my mild annoyance out of my voice. I like Hermes, he actually voted to let me go freely, and he also visits me frequently. I wonder why his arrival gave me wounds, as this never happened before.

He laughs, "As impatient as ever, Calypso." I stare at him, waiting for him to state the cause of his arrival. "You simply are not here to visit, judging by my wounds. What is the reason of your arrival?" I question.

"You indeed are very smart." He observes. "Lord Zeus has decided to bring you off the island for a short time, to see the modern world."

I narrow my eyes, "What is the age in this 'modern world' you speak of?"

"It is currently the 21st century." Hermes says.

I gasp. Decades have passed. Time passes differently in Ogygia. It only seemed like a few days here though, since Hermes visited.

"And as for your wounds, they are due to this hero's arrival." He motions to a adolescent boy behind him, whom I never noticed before. I guess I was too distracted. "His name is Pollux, and he's going to be your guide in the modern world. He's a son of Zeus."

I look at him in distaste. Obviously, a son of Zeus. I observed him, his brown hair was neatly brushed, his dark eyes held a carefree look in them. He held out his hand, which was peppered with a few freckles. "Hi."

I stared at him, not understanding what he said. Hermes chuckled, "He says hello." Oh.

I nod, "Hello." and hold out my hand too, not understanding what to do. He clutches it and I freeze, shocked. No hero has never touched me before. He waves my hand up and down a few times and lets go.

"It's called a handshake." He tells me.

"Okay," Hermes says, "You guys seem to be set. I will take you to Athens, and Pollux will take you from there." He slams his Caduceus on the ground, and my island disappears from view. I close my eyes, as my head spins painfully.

When I open my eyes, after a while, and see Hermes laughing. I lift my head up, dizzy. As my eyes focus, I glare at Hermes, "Why didn't you give me a warning?" I say irately. I then realize, that a part of the rope I was unraveling earlier had somehow come along with us.

Pollux laughs beside Hermes. "Welcome to Athens."


Polluz first shows me the Athena Parthenon, which I marvel at. It is a wonderful piece of architecture. After roaming the whole of Greece, Pollux decides to take me around Europe. We visit places called Spain, France and Rome. Then we decide to go to a place called Asia.

When we arrive using Pollux's air powers, the people first stare at me. I wonder why, then Pollux says "I think we need to get you some modern clothes."

I glance at my Greek clothing, and ask him, "What's wrong with mine?"

He looks around, "They aren't suitable for Asia. Do you have any mortal money?"

I stare at him.

"Of course you don't." He sighs, "I forgot to ask Hermes."

"I can call him here for you." I suggest, "This isn't Ogygia, anyway."

I close my eyes and mentally shout his name in my head, not sure it was going to work, but trying anyway.

"Psst!" I hear a voice. I open them and find

And that's where I finish. I didn't have enough time to complete it. So how is it? Any thoughts? Please review.

~19 February, 2016

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