#102 Reypollo

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Okay, so there's this ship over the internet: Reyna and Apollo.

It sorta makes sense. Aphrodite told Reyna that she'll find love with no mortal.

Apollo isn't mortal. Not originally anyway.

So maybe Reypollo will happen!


So here's this short thing I found, not mine!

Reyna: Hey, are you the sun?

Apollo: You hitting on me? ;)

Reyna: Because you need to stay 149.6 million kilometers away from me.

Apollo: :(


Also, the contest ends today. Everybody were so excited for the trivia, but nobody except percabethfangirls929 played. I am disappointed, especially since you asked for it.

So, the first prize winner is percabethfangirls929! (Since you were the only one who participated). PM me with what two things you want me to do! I'll try to complete your prize by the end of next week (read, vote and recommend any one book). Thanks a lot for participating!

~22 April, 2016

Percy Jackson: Insanity, Stuff and More Insanity [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang