#131 This or That?

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Percy or Jason?

Nope. Not gonna answer.

Roman or Greek?

Before Roman, but now I think Greek... It's more fun.

Reynico or Solangelo?

REYNICO. As a bromance. I have nothing against LGBT rights, but where did Solangelo even come from? 

Praetor or Head Counselor?

Head Counselor. I'm too irresponsible to be taking care of large masses of human population.

Calypso or Rachel?


Percabeth or Caleo?


Frazel or Jasper?

... Nope.

Blue food or Happy meals?

Blue food. Never liked McDonald's anyway.

Argo II or Festus?

Argo II.

War games or Capture the Flag?

Capture the Flag.

~23 May, 2016

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