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Now now, we can't get anywhere without discipline and a few rules, as you are well aware.

Call them whatever, "Rules" or "My Conditions".

They would not cease to be any less important than they are now to me.

So, without further adieu, let's get this show on the road now shall we?

Rule # 1: Use The Cover

You have asked me to make a cover...

Good, then let me assure you right now that I will make one (or more than one, depends on how inspired I feel) for you. But, if you don't use it because you decided against posting the book and using my cover because the liked the one so and so made for you better, so be it.

But, let me just tell you that I'll be very disappointed. *Imitating Meryl Steep from "The Devil Wears Prada"*

Rule # 2: Post The Cover


Lol, I won't be disappointed, well that much. It is your book and your choice, but the decent thing to do will be to post the cover I have made for you in the media in one of the chapters and then dedicate that particular chapter to me regardless of whether or not you are using it so my work can be seen by your fans and they can be directed to my wattpad page. Comprende?

Good. Moving on...

Rule # 3: Give Credit

Okay, when somebody is kind enough to do you a favour, the least any of us can do is give them their due credit for it eh?

So, in lieu of all this kindness and show of gratitude, do not forget to give me all the credit for my hard work in the blurb (if you are using the cover) and one of the chapters (whether you are or you are not using the cover).

See, now that wasn't too hard.

Rule # 4: Follow Me

Following someone who does something nice for you is one thing, but for me it more of a system to keep track of all those I make covers for. Besides it is a really sweet gesture.

So, do give me a follow.

Rule # 5: Read, comment and vote on the first three chapters of "Barefoot Cinderella"

Earlier, I didn't want to demand people to read my story because I thought it was kind of tacky. I was fine with them following me and  that was it. But then I saw that there are a large number of many ungrateful fellows up here that will follow me and as soon as I deliver the cover they unfollow me which is very ungrateful and inappropriate thing to do really.

So from now on I demand honest and at least 25 worded comments on my story "Barefoot Cinderella" for now.

Rule # 6: Pen Name or Author Pseudonym 

As you are all well aware, wattpad is filled with writers who are young and are still trying to find their medium and style of writing. Well that is very very good for them, but not so good for me.

In their quest to look for their style, genre and medium, they change their username like 100 times. I am all up for it, but it causes a problem when they have used their former username as the author name on the cover for the book I designed for them a few weeks ago. This is why from now on when I say author's name on form I want you to provide me with their pen name to add to the cover and not the username. Okay? Cool.

Rule # 7: The Book Should Already Be Published on Wattpad.

It might be the last (proper) rule, but it happens to be the most important one. I added it later, after a few wonderful experiences I have had on Wattpad. I have decided to make cover for those books ONLY which have already be posted/published up here. Not only that, but it should also at least have 3 chapters to its name to. Okay? Good.

Rule # 8: Enter the Password

Finally, I have noticed that neither are people abiding by the rules, nor are the reading it. Therefore, from now on you guys have to answer this question and truthfully.

"How did you discover my covershop?"

and that is it. Answer that and you will get your cover. Believe me I will not even start working on your cover until you have fulfilled your end of the deal.

Furthermore, I do not do this much often but I have the right to refuse a request if I feel like it. The reason behind it might be anything at all but I will reject a request if I feel like it.

Phew, that's about it.

One more thing, Click on the little star to let me know that you will abide by the said rules. Okay?

Now moving onto the FORMS....

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