Cover : Common Senses

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Title : Common Senses

Author : Angela Caloia

Wattpad Username : angpia

Summary : After a failed tracheotomy robbed 4 year old Mia of her voice, she was pushed headfirst into a world of silence. As she grew older, she found her escape in the world of rock and roll, her drum set, and Fall Out Boy. But though the music brought sound back into her life, it also had a tendency to push others out. And as she begins her junior year with close to no friends and even less idea of what to do with her life, Mia decides it's time to find her voice.

Home-schooled his entire life, deaf Max Moore always had more time to lose himself in his paintings and follow in the footsteps of his idol; Vincent Van Gogh. Coincidentally, that left less time to worry about social life, and being the "awkward deaf ginger". He had always enjoyed having more time to create his own worlds than living in the real one. But when a family crisis caused a rushed move to Chicago, he was suddenly thrown into a real school, and forced to confront the oh-so-dreaded"real" life.

On Mia's first day of 11th Grade, Principal Murphy introduces her to Max, and unknowingly sends Max's soundless world spiraling into her bubble of sound. Could Max be the key to help Mia finally say something, and could Mia help Max learn to listen? "

Told in alternating perspectives, Mia's chapters have Fall Out Boy songs as titles while Max's have Van Gogh's paintings.

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