Cover : Lookout (1)

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Title : Lookout

Author : CurlyMel01

Summary : 

Danielle was just a normal optimist sixteenth year old girl living a normal life. One day her house bursts mysteriously into flames and the only survivors were her and her brother, Dave. Since that day, they've had visions predicting the future and people were always trying to kill her. She thought that this was her life from now on; running from killers, seeing tragedy through her eyes and being constantly on the lookout, but Danielle didn't know about a prophecy that could complicate her life even more.The worst is that as much as she tries, she can't escape it. She can't escape what has been planned for her.With the help of the only friends she has left, she goes on a mission to find out the whereabouts of the people that want her head on a stick, the people that have made her life into a living hell. That sweet and optimist girl everyone knew, will be gone. A ruthless, pessimist and wicked girl will take her place.After all, at the end, a monster is the only thing that can save the world from the supernatural.

The Cover WorkshopNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ