Cover : Revealed

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I struggled a bit when it came to these covers (Revealed and Shattered) since they were a part of the series and they sort of had to go together, as the cover of books in a series usually do. But with the help of the author I was able to design this master piece.

Title : Revealed

Author : Rhe Tache

Wattpad Username : RHE_OF_LIGHT

Summary :

"They say you don't remember a lot from when you are young. That all you have are temporary feelings and emotions. But I know that isn't true.

I remember my mother's touch, the tender way she held me. 

I remember the urgency in her eyes, the sound of her terrified screams piercing the air. 

I remember her last words, a gift that changed my life forever.

My name is Sephora Baxter and this is my story."

Now that sounds like an amazing story... Wouldn't you agree?

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