Cover : Breaking Stereotypes (3)

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Title : Breaking Stereotypes

Author : HeadMistressTeeny

Wattpad Username : HeadMistressTeeny 


Hello. My name is Hannah Dennings. Hannah. Hannah. Hannah. I hate my name! It's so reused! It's so unoriginal! I know about 57 other Hannah's! Thanks mom for putting so much thought in my name...not! Why didn't mom name me something unusual like Rainibow? Or Squidy? Or Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousia? Those are great names but Hannah?! That's disgusting! My name is only part of the reason why I started Project Breaking Stereotypes.~~Hannah Dennings hates stereotypes and always has. They aren't funny to her!Though one day Hannah has had enough! She puts her foot down and starts the biggest project ever: Project Breaking Stereotypes With all of her friends, Hannah works hard to put all stereotypes to rest! But it's harder than what she thought it'd be.

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