Cover : The One Who Killed My Friend (3)

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Title : The One Who Killed My Friend

Author : Supercool11

Wattpad Username : Supercool11

Summary :

"Losing a friend is equivalent to losing a limb and losing a limb is a bad start to people on a rocky adventure of life." Ever since that calm day when Kurt ran to join his friend Luke despite the painful sound of the bell, then both uniting with Emily, the second smartest girl in school at the other side of the school building, things changed.The three wanted to be friends for eternity. But unfortunately, Luke's lifespan was shortened by a bullet in the head by an un-identified serial killer thus resulting into an adventure of a life time for Kurt and Emily.Just by a single gunshot, the adventure of the three young friends with similar yet different personalities became the story that is now here.

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