Chapter 2 - The Comedy Duo

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Chapter 2 - The Comedy Duo

Walking a defeated, handcuffed Edmond out of the car and up to the English Fable Headquarters (the leaders of the mystical world decided to call themselves the Fable; Notorious had always found the name ironic), Notorious savoured the fact that the area was deserted; humans tended to stare at Notorious. 

Her hair being purple drew attention, but when they start looking closer, they would notice some more odd things about Notorious.

Her multi-coloured eyes, her abnormally clear skin and, sometimes, if Notorious smiled or talked, they would notice her sharp teeth, longer and slightly sharper than most peoples (except for vampires or were-beings teeth).

Notorious had gotten those features from her father.

She had spent years researching and scouring for any leads as to what or where he was, but to no prevail.

She didn't mind too much though, being half human half something else is what made her good at what she does: catching, and sometimes killing, the bad guys.

They arrived at the door of a rotting, tired looking building in the middle of nowhere. The shack was surrounded by trees and fields as far as the eye could see. 

Notorious' black high heels sunk slightly into the muddy ground.

She sighed, wishing for the millionth time that the council of Deciders would choose a less mucky, dirty, dusty place to disguise the headquarters.

Notorious walked carefully over to the eroded wooden door and put her hand, palm down, in the centre, muttering the words 'may the gods reveal my home' in the ancient, and now dead, language. Not that Notorious believed in any gods. The words were merely like a password.

The words, made up of whispers, breaths and hisses, made Notorious' hands glow.

She backed away; watching the golden glow as it flowed and trickled, subduing the shack and making it grow.

Seconds later, a grand building towered in the cabins place, immense and powerful, slightly resembling London's natural history museum.

Walking up to the desk and smiling at the receptionist (who didn't repay Notorious with a smile of her own), Notorious handed Edmond over to the two guards who had been waiting for her.

"Another successful day at the office?" Steve, the blonde, six foot five, muscular guard asked.

"There's never an unsuccessful day for our Notorious." Adam, the brown haired, short, but equally muscular guard said.

Notorious loved the pair - always upbeat and joking around. They never failed to make her smile; their joy was infectious.
"She's fast too." Adam added.

Notorious grinned. "I have to be fast," she said, "I have to be back to make sure you two twits don't get into trouble!"

"Us?" Steve gasped sarcastically.

"Trouble?" Adam said, also pretending to be shocked. "No, no," He added, "You must be mistaken, we're good as gold." He finished, fluttering his long, dark eyelashes, attempting to do puppy dog eyes.

"I see," Notorious nodded. "I must be thinking of the other two guys who danced to Beyoncé way too close to the holding cells and ended up getting a huge chunk of hair ripped out by a criminal. My bad."

Notorious grabbed Adam by the arm and swung him around to see the back of his head.

"Wait, nope." She poked the bald spot. "That was you two."

The three of them laughed for a moment before Steve and Adam departed, taking an annoyed looking Edmond to the dungeons.

Notorious had always thought 'dungeon' was a bit dramatic. The cells were white, clean and rat free with not a chain in sight.

Well, most of them.

But the Fable had always been a bit on the dramatic side.

Notorious turned back to face the receptionist, who was sat behind her regal looking desk.

For as long as Notorious could remember, the woman behind the desk had been dull and miserable, her personality matching her grey, limp hair.

The receptionist looked up, but said nothing, her lips pursed tightly, exaggerating her sunken cheekbones, eyes narrow and forehead wrinkled into a permanent, stony scowl.

Notorious raised an eyebrow.

"The council want to see you," The receptionist sighed, "They've had a meeting with the Deciders concerning you." She finished, turning back to some papers scattered across her desk.

"Oh?" Notorious frowned. "Where?"

"Room five. I'll tell them you're here." She sounded put-out.

"Thank you..." Notorious said her mind elsewhere. The receptionist grunted a reply, still scowling. 
 Notorious stuck her tongue out while the receptionist was busy shuffling around the papers that she probably wouldn't see to.

Grumpy old crow, she thought.

Walking slowly, Notorious thought of reasons why the Deciders would have a meeting about her. They only got involved in the big matters. The English Fable HQ was only small and rarely saw the big councils, like the council of Deciders.

Unless they need to force someone to do a particularly bad task, Notorious thought...

But why would they need to do that with her? Notorious didn't have any problems with doing dangerous or difficult tasks.

Notorious ran a few more ideas through her head as she walked through corridor upon corridor, but nothing seemed to fit.

Notorious came to the door of room five and could hear heated whispers from behind the thick wood, but could make out no more than mumbling.

Notorious exhaled and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes she inhaled deeply and tied her hair into a neat, formal ponytail and rapped her knuckles lightly on the door...

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