Chapter 16 - The mad hatter and the black rabbit.

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Chapter 16 - The mad hatter and the black rabbit.


I sat in my bedroom staring at the outfit on the bed, scowling at it.

I could burn it. Or maybe let Bird eat it, since she was now a moth, buzzing around my face, irritating me.

Maybe fire isn't the best thing considering my pet was a moth.

I stood up, picked up the outfit... And then sat back down again, throwing it back onto my bed.

"Ready yet?" Notorious called from her room, where she was putting on her own outfit, which happened to be a lot more normal than mine.

"No." I replied stubbornly.

She opened my door and put her head around it, her eyes closed.

"Are you decent?"

"No, I'm very very naked, please go away."

She opened her eyes.

"You know, you'd have been sorry if i really was naked. You could have embarrassed me."

"You don't strike me as self conscious, Jase. Now put it on."

I growled at her and she pulled her head back around the door, closing it as she did.

I pulled off my clothes, throwing them onto a pile on the floor and pulled on the thin white steam punk style shirt. Next i put on the itchy looking dark brown trousers and put on the maroon waist coat and long black coat, again, steam punk.

Lastly i put on the black, tatty top hat which leaned naturally to the right. It had a red ribbon around the middle which was fraying and lop-sided.

"Mad hatter." I sighed, looking in the mirror and thinking about how my ginger hair really pulled the whole look together.

Bird landed on the brim of the top hat and i heard Notorious call again.

"Come on, the taxi is outside."

"Do i have to?"

I heard a snarl and i took that as a yes.

I walked out to see Notorious adjusting black rabbit ears on her head.

Her hair fell in dark curls, she must have added glitter to her hair because it sparkles as she moved. She wore a long black dress with a cut up one side, showing off a long pale leg.

She must be keeping her knife strapped to her other leg then.

Her shoes were black and strapped, with silver metal heals that caught the light.

Notorious' dark eye makeup was blended softly to make it look like smoke and she wore black eyeliner that added a little bit of sharpness to the look.

She had her lips a shade of light pink with a small touch of a rosy dark pink towards the middle, making them look plump and full.

She wore no colour on her cheeks, keeping herself as pale as possible.

"Hmm," She said, tilting her head to one side and examining me. "I'll do a little makeup for you in the taxi."

"I'm putting my foot down, no makeup!" I demanded.

She rolled her eyes at my pitiful attempt to take charge and i followed her out the door.

We were almost at the manor and Notorious had managed to make me wear white powder on my face and black eyeliner.

"I look stupid."

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