Chapter 10 - A very wrong place to find fangs.

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Chapter 10 - A very wrong place to find fangs.


"When do you think that boy is going to leave, Audrey? He's starting to make the place look untidy." Notorious heard a woman say.

"Soon I hope, he's beginning to smell." Another woman said.

Notorious groaned sleepily and opened her eyes. The room started off a blurry mess and she blinked rapidly to focus her surroundings.

White, all white.

Notorious lifted an arm to shield her eyes from the glare of the room.

"Oh, good, you're awake. No, no, don't try to sit up so quickly, just take it easy dear." The woman, Audrey, said.

She did as she was told and slowly lifted herself into sitting position, pushing back the white bed sheets as she did.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Notorious said, squinting her eyes and bringing her hand to the back of her head. "Shit, why does my head hurt?"

"Uh, that would be my fault." Notorious turned to find Jason stood in the door way, looking guilty. "I kind of, um, dropped you... Sorry."

"You dropped me, how did you drop me?" Notorious said, exasperated.

"I forgot to tie my shoelaces..." He said, red-faced.

"Thank you."

"I know, i should of done them up, we were on a mission and... Wait, what?" He looked up at Notorious.

"I said thank you." Jason's eyes widened.

"I..." He paused, and smiled. "Any time."

Notorious smiled, partly because Jason's shocked face amused her, partly because she believed him 100% when he said he would help her any time.

"I'm sorry to break this up," Audrey said. "But..."

"Oh shush, Audrey, let them have their moment!" The other woman said.

"Quit your infernal need for drama, Mable!" Audrey said, throwing her hands into the air.

"Actually..." Notorious said. "Could we have a moment?"

"I... Well.. Oh fine. Come on Mable." Audrey sighed.

"But..!" Mable complained, but Audrey already had a hold of her arm, pulling her out of the room and shutting the door behind them.

"Which hospital is this, Jason?" Notorious asked, still looking at the door.

"Zaheils hospital for Warlocks and Mages, they almost sent us away but some man, who looked pretty important, recognised you and told the nurses to send you straight to a bed." He explained.

"That's probably Zaheils great great nephew, he and i were good friends a few decades ago." She turned to look at Jason. "How long have i been here?"

"Four days, well, almost 5." He said pointing at the clock, which read 11:57pm.

"Your training, we're way behind now, and the Decider will be wanting to test you, what if you're not ready? He could demote me. He could stop your Fable training and send you to live with the rest of the fae. What if..."

"Charms!" Jason raised his voice, cutting off Notorious' frantic worrying.

"Charms, calm down." He said in a more soothing tone.

Notorious felt a wave of calmness wash over her, and she noticed Jason's hand on hers.

"I didn't know you could do that." Notorious said, looking at his hand.

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