Chapter 12 - Breaking down barriers.

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Chapter 12 - Breaking down barriers.


"Wow, this place has changed..." Hermit said, slowly turning on the spot in the middle of the room.

"It has been 7 years, Hermy." Notorious chuckled.

"You know, its nice to be home." Hermits smile reached his eyes and Notorious caught him in a big bear hug.

I watched in jealousy, wishing that i could make Notorious smile the way she was smiling now.

The two of them left Notorious' living room and went up the stairs so that Hermit could unpack, chatting and laughing about old times.

I spotted a crystal bottle with what looked like brandy inside it and poured myself a small glass, living with Hermit for the next god knows how long was going to be torture... And then it hit me.

Yes, i might be having to live with Hermit, but i also get to live with Notorious, and if that couldn't keep me going, i don't know what would.

I opened the fridge and pulled out 3 diet cokes, one for me and one for Notorious and Hermit.

OK, so i wasn't actually doing it to be nice, i was doing it to be nosy. I knew its rude, but i couldn't help it.

So i took the drinks upstairs, sipping out of my coke while i walked.

I was just about to knock on the 2nd spare rooms door, when i heard whisperers coming from Notorious' room.

I looked through the crack in the door to see Notorious crying and Hermit holding her, trying to comfort her.

I backed away quietly, knowing that Notorious wouldn't want anyone to see her like this, and walked back down the stairs, my stomach feeling heavy and a lump in my throat.


"Notorious, whats wrong?" Hermit said, walking into Notorious' room after unpacking in his own room.

"I turned again today..." Notorious whispered into her hands.

"Oh Notorious, you need to stop... What did you think about to turn?" Hermit asked in a soft voice.

Notorious wished more people could see Hermit like that, compassionate, loving, sane.

"My mothers death, the same as always..."

"It's bothered you more than usual, why?" Hermit sat next to Notorious and put an arm around her.

"I really don't have anyone anymore, Hermy. I've had no one to talk to for such a long time, and now there's Jason, and i cant even tell him about my mothers death or about my monster because im so scared of frightening him away..."

"Do you like him?" Hermit asked, warily.

"Yeah, he's a good friend now."

"You know what i mean, Notorious." He said more sternly this time.

Notorious sighed. "Yes, i do. But nothing will ever happen, I'm barely even human, he deserves more than that. I've lied to him about mums death, he doesn't even know my real name, and yet he risked his life for me, and now he's going to do it again, facing Atera."

Hermit stood up and tilted Notorious face up by putting a finger under her chin.

"Take your barriers down for one night, let Jason see the Notorious i know." He smiled, then walked out of the room.


I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and i quickly sat up to see who it was.

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