Chapter 7 - A Very Bad Bedtime Story

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Chapter 7 - A Very Bad Bedtime Story

"Ah, Laylan." Notorious said, her hands on her hips and her mouth twitched into a grin. "So glad you could join us. Although, you seem to be slightly late. Let me see," she dramatically studied her wrist. "yep, we started training over four hours ago. I was going to get Jason to hit you with a staff," she waggled the staff at Laylan, "but now... now I think I may do it myself."

"Notorious dear, don’t be so dramatic, I'm not that late. And as much as I would have loved to see young Jason here try hit me with a parrying staff, I was summoned to the Council as I was walking through the hall." Laylan sat down in a chair and laid his cane across his lap, polishing its head absentmindedly.

"Why on earth would they summon you?" Notorious frowned. "You've been retired for years. Its only out of your own kindness that you occasionally help them by training some of the new recruits."

"Actually," He said, a smile playing on his lips. "It was regarding the two of you." Laylans eyes flickered over to Jason and he winked, the way he normally did when he was in a good mood.

"They asked me to tell you to see them right away." He carried on. "Naturally I stayed and pestered them until they told me exactly what they would be telling you."

"And that took you four hours?" Jason asked.

"Oh of course not." He beamed. "We had tea and some rather crunchy ginger biscuits, then talked about our plans for the weekend."

Notorious scowled. "Some times Laylan! I really could..." She pretend to hit him on the head with her staff. "Well it looks like we'll have to pick up training again later." Notorious said, and propped the staff against the wall. "Lets go Jason."

Jason went to prop up his staff with the rest of the weapons and turned to walk to Notorious, hitting the weapons tray as he did, sending them all clattering to the floor. He winced, but didn't turn around to see the mess. He walked over to Notorious, blushing and not meeting her, or Laylan's, eyes.

Laylan, who was getting comfortable in his seat, chuckled and rolled his eyes at Jason.

"Oi!" Notorious called to Laylan. "Don't be getting comfy; you're coming too."

The three of them approached room five and Notorious sighed. Twice in one week! She thought. Normally, she only needed to go to the Council twice a month for new missions.

She turned to face Jason and looked him in the eyes. "You." She said. "Don't talk unless they speak to you directly, and even then, only reply in short sentences." She thought for a moment, and then turned to face Laylan. "That goes for you too."

"Really, my dear," Laylan said. "You say that as if we would make a fool of you."

Notorious raised her eyebrows and stared at him for a moment.

"You're right. Maybe its best of we don't speak." Laylan said after a moment’s hesitation. "Jason, keep quiet in there, we don't need you making fools of us."

Jason rolled his eyes at the crazy man in the tatty suit, and Notorious knew he must have been thinking the same as she was: that Laylan was completely and utterly mental.

Notorious smiled to herself, he may be a nutcase, but he's my nutcase. 

Notorious knocked on the door and entered when a voice from behind it said 'enter'. 

She smiled and walked into the room, Jason and Laylan on her heels, Laylan smiling and Jason looking nervous, as always.

"Good to see you again Miss Charms." The woman of the group said. "And you too, Mr. Gold."

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