Chapter 23 - The grand unveiling.

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Chapter 23 - The grand unveiling.


We all sat on the floor sharing 3 platters of nachos, mostly eating in silence.

It was weird. We were all thinking it, but no one said anything.

Tarquin and Saskia were never coming back and it was weird.

Not to mention the fact that Laylan had been a no-show all day. Again weird.

"This is weird." I finally said.

Merredith, Hermit and Notorious all stared at me.

"We're missing 3 people. I find it strange." I mumbled.

"One of them was a traitor, one was obsessed with a bitchy vampire and the other is slightly crazy and is probably off searching for the perfect green tea." Merredith said, then shoveled nachos into her mouth.

"You've got a little..." I pointed to she side of her mouth.

She stuck her tongue out to get the salsa on her face, but couldn't reach.

Of course, she kept trying.

"Merry. Merredith. Me-" Notorious tried to stop her. "MERRY!"


"Stop." Notorious handed her some tissue.

Hermit watched all of this with a small smirk on his face.

"Whats wrong with you?" Notorious poked him in the cheek.

"She's the one." Hermit said dreamily.

Notorious rolled her eyes.

"Notorious!" Laylan burst through the door dramatically, twigs and leaves stuck in his bushy hair poking out from under his top-hat.

"Laylan." Notorious got up and looked at him curiously. "You literally look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards."

"Long story short i went on a key hunt in some shrubbery, but that's not the point." He panted.

"There's a point?" I asked.

"I always have a point, sometimes i just don't make it obvious."

"I'm going to have to disagree here." I looked at Laylan skeptically.

"And im going to ignore you." Laylan glared.

"Boys, boys. Claws away." Merredith mumbled, her mouth full of nachos.

"He started it." Laylan pouted.

"Now now, my dear, don't pull faces or your face will stay like that forever." Notorious said.

"My mother said that, and look at me now."

"Yep." I said. "It stayed like that."

Merredith hit me over the head. She was a lot stronger than she looked.

I rubbed the back of my head irritably.

"May i?" Laylan asked Notorious, motioning for her to go upstairs.

She nodded and followed him away, a look of mild curiosity on her face.


 Notorious sat down on her bed while Laylan paced across the room, tapping his fingers on his cane.

He occasionally stopped and opened his mouth to speak, followed by him rapidly closing his mouth and walking again.

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