Meeting Fred Again

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You're sitting in the Gryffindor common room. You're trying to do you homework but you can't. You keep thinking about Fred Weasley. He's been your crush for years, but you couldn't tell him. You were too scared. And with that, he's never alone. He's always with his twin, George Weasley.

You decide to give up and you put your feather away. You hear a noise from a closing door and you turn around. Your heart skips a beat, from excitement and because it scared you, when you see Fred walking into the common room. And he's alone! His brother isn't with him! He starts reading a book when you look at him. His sleeves rolled are up, above his elbows, and he's wearing his Gryffindor sweater. His hair is a little messy. He looks up and you realise you're staring at him.

"Ohh hello" he smiles gently at you.

"Hey Fred.." You answer him smiling shy. You think about what you should do. Staying where you are? Or shall you get up and make your way over to him?

// Hello everyone! The stories will be very short every time, but that means as well that a new part will appear sooner. Comment below what you think! I hope the stories are in correct English, I'm Dutch as you might know. Thank for reading!
Q: What are you going to do? Staying where you are? Or will you get up?

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