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Both Fred and you realize you're stuck until someone else will unlock the door from the outside. There's no other option but to settle down in the classroom until that happens. The both of you go back to sit at the same spot you previously sat; on the desks, facing each other. You think for a while; is there another way to get out? One that doesn't involve a long wait? There are no windows to escape through. Maybe there is a vent in the room, but crawling through one doesn't sound appealing. Mostly not considering the alternative is being stuck in a room with your crush; total privacy was finally within reach.

You try to forget about your thoughts and look up at Fred, only to immediately notice that he's looking at you. You smile at him and he smiles back.

"You know.. maybe we are stuck, but it's not too bad to be stuck together." He says charming and keeps looking into your eyes. You blush a little, which he notices.

"Are you blushing?" He asks with a teasing smile. It causes you to blush even more and you look away. He slightly laughs and places a hand under your chin to turn your head back up, forcing you to look up at him again. He smiles charming this time, not so much teasing anymore. None of that helps though, your blush only intensifies, which makes him chuckle.

"God, you're adorable." He whispers. You keep blushing, but you do smile. You're completely speechless. He notices that and understands it instantly; you were nervous, it was obvious, but this was something the both of you had waited for. Trying to get you to talk in this state is just no use, so he decides to choose actions over words. Without a second thought, he presses his lips against yours. You're surprised at first, but you go with it. Of course you do, it's what you've wanted for so long! While the kiss goes on, your heart practically beats out of your chest. After a few, long seconds of kissing, he breaks away and takes your hand.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." he says and you smile at him. You smile back, gently squeezing his hand in yours. 

"Me too." You reply and you carefully hold his hand while you smile back. No, being stuck in a classroom definitely wasn't as bad as you expected it to be. And now, it seemed like a very, very good thing rather than a bad one. Being stuck is kind of fun like this! Let's just hope that this moment will last a little longer.

 //Hey guys! I found a bit of time, luckily! I was able to write a short chapter on my laptop during school haha. I hope you enjoyed it! :)

 // There we are guys! All chapters have finally been cleaned up and I can start working towards an end with this! Let me know what you're hoping to see, please leave it in a comment! I'd love to know what you guys have in mind!

I Love Fred WeasleyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя