The Amazing Lesson

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Minutes later, class has started and it is very hard for you to stay focused on the lesson at hand. Your mind keeps wondering off to Fred, mostly because of that wink at the end of your conversation. Was he really trying to flirt with you? It couldn't have been accidental, you're sure he meant to wink. But just that wink is enough to keep you from your work now, your mind clouded with all kinds of thoughts. Luckily, the teacher doesn't seem to notice anything. The entire lesson passes by without you paying attention, until you're woken from your thoughts by the ringing of the bell. Your eyes fall upon your unfinished work and you sigh, that'll mean you're gonna have to finish it after class. After quickly packing your things, you make your way out of the classroom.

The next period was a special one; one where you could freely choose what subject to follow. It was mostly handy for those that had trouble with a subject in particular, because you could give it some extra attention. Usually, you picked what subject you would follow a day before class, every week something different, depending on what subject gave you a hard time. Following your friends around for that just seemed like a bad idea, you always picked by yourself to make sure you would learn something new and use the time to your advantage.

Your extra potions class only just started when something unexpected happens. The classroom door opens about five minutes after the lesson had started.

"Sorry I'm late, couldn't find the right classroom" a familiar voice says.

"Well, Mister Weasley, I thought you'd know that by now" the teacher answers, referring to all the years he's been on this school. She lets him in regardless, but it seems odd to you as well. Doesn't Fred know this school like the back of his hand? The boy quickly hurries to find a spot, which eventually 'happens' to be the spot next to you, and he sits down. You try to pretend your blush doesn't exist, but he can probably spot it from miles away. Yet he smiles while looking at you.


He whispers quietly, clearly enjoying your nervousness. You answer almost immediately.


Your whisper back is shy, you're still blushing, yet you smile back happily. Anyone that would see this play out, could put 2 and 2 together. Maybe the both of you did as well. He still returns this handsome smile, which makes your heart melt instantly.

It takes a few more minutes before the both of you turn your attention back to the teacher in front of the class. Some information about potions gets repeated from last weeks class, for those that had a hard time understanding it. You both watch, but Fred obviously didn't show up here just because he didn't understand potions and quickly gets tired of the repeated information.

Out of no where, you feel another hand grabbing yours beneath the table. Fred gently squeezes it, which makes you look up at him with that same blush. He doesn't look back at you this time, his attention remains with the teacher, yet he had quite a daring smile on his face. He is definitely aware that you turned your head to look at him, but knows looking back now will give away that the two of you have stopped paying attention. So instead of confirming your happiness with a smile, you return the gentle squeeze to his hand.

He managed to turn this extremely boring lesson into something far more interesting. It seemed he had managed to escape his brother and join your class by himself, which is incredibly smart. It all gets even better when he gently starts stroking your hand with his thumb. At that point, nothing could've stopped you from smiling. While the teacher keeps going with the lesson, not noticing what's happening, your dreams are slowly becoming reality. No one is there to stop you from having this moment with Fred. Maybe, just maybe, this'll give you a chance to talk some more after class. This day could only improve from here!

//Sorry guys, I know I'm taking way too long with these stories. But I'm trying, I really am! I'll upload as fast as I can! I hope you enjoyed!

 //So, two more to edit, but for now, this is all I can do. I need to get going again. I hope I will get to the last two chapters soon, but it might take a while! Is anyone still interested in this story? Let me know!

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