The Problem

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His lips are only an inch away from yours. If you could just do it..! But you both seem to be nervous, this isn't an everyday thing after all. He gets a little closer..! And... And... And...!

"Fred! Hey!" George walks into the common room and you both back off immediately. So close... And there is his brother again. He walks up to you two and sits down in-between the both of you. Of course, why wouldn't he ruin the moment you've both been waiting for?

You both look at George, and after that at each other. You see in Freds eyes that he's disappointed, and you are as well. Maybe that's the slight positive thing you can take from this situation. 

"So, what where you two doing?" George asks with a wide smile on his face. He didn't see it? You start to wonder if he is following Fred around to purposely ruin his chances with girls. But he wouldn't do that to his own twin brother, right? Either way, that thought is enough for you to get slightly annoyed. If it were to be true, your chances with Fred were only getting smaller.

"Just... Talking.." Fred answers and looks away. You look away as well. George is making it... Very awkward.. You wish he never walked in, that would have meant you had your first kiss already, with the one you love so deeply. But that didn't happen. A sad sigh escapes your lips and you look back at Fred and George. Fred seems to be confused, like you are. There is no right way to end this now. Fred possibly didn't want George to know anything yet, you felt like it wasn't your place to tell his twin brother about a love interest. Besides, what if you're wrong? What if you're not actually his love interest? It was best to just take your loss for now.

"Im going to sleep." With a sigh, you get up. That just seemed like the easiest way out. Besides, it was getting late anyway.

"Alright!" George says and he follows you with his eyes. "Goodnight" Fred smiles at you in the sweetest and cutest way possible. At least that leaves a door open. The bad thing now, is that his brother was there. That was a disaster...

// Heyy! What do you think? Comment below please, it means a lot!

Q: Will he ever kiss you? Or will there Always be a problem?

I Love Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora