The next morning

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You wake up the next morning. After a good night of rest, you feel calm and relaxed, ready for a new, exciting day. As if your thoughts alone weren't enough, your mind created the most wonderful dream, portraying your current deepest desire. You and Fred were finally dating. Not really a surprise, but George was okay with it too! He was happy that his brother found love and with George knowing, a lot of benefits came, the biggest being privacy. The entire dream was filled with happiness and excitement, you knew that was how things were meant to play out. Maybe it was just a dream now, but who said dreams don't come true?

You get up with a smile just as bright as the one you went to bed with. After dressing into your robes, you get on a chair in front of the mirror to quickly do your hair and make-up. You were going for a simple look, just like every other day, and finish within 15 minutes after getting out of bed. The last thing left to do now, is put on a pair of shoes; your favourite pair of red converse shoes. 

All that goes through your mind while leaving your dorm, with a book bag slung over your shoulder, is seeing Fred again. The dream has left a faint blush on your cheeks, while you wonder if he feels the same way about you. Is he thinking about you, too?

It is still early though, leaving for class now wouldn't make much sense. Instead, you sit down on a couch in the quiet common room and take a book out of your bag to read to pass the time. But it doesn't take long for your concentration to be broken by an opening door. It wasn't the main door, that one tends to sound a lot heavier. That could only mean that it was one of the dormrooms that opened. Just a quick look around is enough to confirm your suspicions. 

A red haired boy walks into the common room. Not just a red haired boy, but THE red haired boy. He seems to be in a little bit of a rush. He looks over his shoulder for a quick second, before redirecting his gaze to right in front of him, where the common room was; where you were sitting. You make eye contact with each other and you can feel your heart skip a beat when his smile brightens and he walks further, right up to you.

//Hii! I'm sorry guys, I had a lot of tests to do, and some other stuff which made me very busy. However, I'll keep writing. I'll publish a new one every now and than! I hope you liked this part!

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