Chapter 9

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A pang in my lower left arm woke me up, forcing me out of bed. I must have slept on it wrong last night. I turned, expecting to see Luke sleeping in bed, but to instead find the sheets empty. My mind automatically jumped to unnecessary conclusions as always. I tied my robe around me as quickly as I could and flung myself down the steps towards the kitchen. Yet with each step I took, I slowed my pace, a noise coming from the kitchen became more and more audible. Laughing, squealing, pots and pans clanging. Just before I approached the kitchen, I hid myself behind the wall corner, peaking my head out just enough to get a glimpse of the chaotic scene. Immediately, I smiled wide as I saw Luke with the younger kids. Tate sat on the edge of the island counter, Bo kneeled on a chair pulled up to the island next to Luke, and Ava sat in her highchair on the other side of Luke.

"Daddy, what's the batter taste like?" Bo asked as he held a mixing bowl steady.

Luke shrugged. "I don't know, wanna try some?"

Bo nodded his head vigorously, a boyish grin replacing his questioning glance. Luke dipped his finger into the bowl, covering it with the liquid batter. He held his finger out to Bo before quickly wiping on his cheek. Bo was shocked, and his mouth hung open before he began to giggle uncontrollably. Tate began to get wound up at this point, a wide-eyed grin spread upon his face.

"Daddy, I wanna try some too!" Tate exclaimed.

Luke smirked. "You sure buddy?" Tate nodded and Luke once again dipped his finger in the batter before swiping it against Tate's nose.

Tate screamed and clutched his nose, a smile curling at the edges of his lips. Luke laughed and pointed at Tate as if he were teasing him. I couldn't help but beam from ear to ear as I watched Luke have this fatherly bonding time. I was quick to hold in my chuckle as Bo reached into the flour canister behind him and grabbed a small fistful of flour before tossing it at Luke's head. The white dusty flour landed in his hair, creating speckles in it. Luke was shocked and just began to bellow out his laugh, a certain laugh I hadn't heard in ages. All the while, Ava sat on the sidelines in her highchair observing the mad scene playing out before her adolescent eyes. Then she too began a fit of giggles and gurgles causing Luke to take a small bit of whipped cream from a smaller bowl and dab it gently on her nose. Her face erupted into a smile.

As I watched Luke, I could see a familiar twinkle in his eyes returning, one I hadn't seen in ages. I couldn't help but allow the tears brimming in my eyes to pool over, cascading down my cheeks like a waterfall. Around the corner, I revealed myself, my hands cupping over my mouth.

"Caroline?" Luke asked worriedly as he looked up. He ran over to me, pulling me into his arms. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I repeatedly shook my head, burrowing my chin into Luke's chest. "Nothing," I whispered. "In fact," I said a little more clearly before looking up at him. "Everything is perfect. I think everything's going to be okay from now on."

Luke squeezed me tighter in his arms, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I woke up today and chose to close the door to the past, open a new one, and begin a whole new chapter in my life. I needed closure on what happened, an extra boost of confidence, and Caroline, damn you gave me the conclusion of my terror last night."

I released from Luke's grasp and stood back to face him, peering into his eyes and just feeling a weight being lifted from my ever-sagging shoulders. In time, I hoped that his wound would heal. Gradually I knew that process would be, but it healed, it'd been stitched up. I had to suppress the urge to take him in my arms and spin him round' and round' the room, calling out curses to the one who'd hurt him. But I knew better, just because time and faith could heal a wound, doesn't mean it erases the scar embedded in the emotional tissue.

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