Chapter 10

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Way Way Back

  A month came and went and before I knew it, Luke was back on the road again, popping from state to state to perform for thousands. His old self was definitely back. He'd stepped up with the kids, making up for lost time when he was down in the dumps; going to baseball games, hunting with them as well as fishing, taking them mudding or going into town to get a ice cream cone with him. The boys were certainly happy about all of it, even Ava. Then there was the times he'd be tentative to me, treating me to special nights out; bubble baths, sometimes together; little presents here and there, like jewelry or flowers; but most of all he'd tell me he loves me over and over again, and that meant the world to me.

Lately I'd sit and reminisce on our younger days, when times were simpler. We didn't know what the future held for us. We didn't know that Luke would come to be a world-famous country singer. We didn't even begin to think that we'd be married with three kids, let alone raising Til either. None of those thoughts ever entered our minds. We were just young, wanting that wild, young, and reckless kind of love. A lot of days, I'd go way way back and smile, thinking of Luke and how much I love him.

I had decided to leave the kids with my mom and fly down to Georgia this weekend. Luke had a show in Atlanta and he'd told me to come down for some reason. I had arrived at about 4:30 and just as soon as I got there, Luke had me in the truck going somewhere. It was about 7 o'clock now and the sun had sunk below the horizon, past the tree line, yet we were still driving.

"Luke, where are we going?" I asked.

He reached over the center console and grabbed my hand in his, squeezing it lightly. "Look around, baby."

Luke pulled off I-16, taking exit 116. I was still confused where we were.

"Luke, I'm still not sure." I said.

He chuckled, smiling slightly. "Just wait."

  I sat back in my seat, sighing from restlessness. If there was one thing I wasn't good at, it would be patience. I was getting antsy, wanting to know where in the heck we were. Luke just kept driving towards where ever the heck we were heading. Soon I realized we were on US highway 301, heading south. I gasped and Luke smirked.

"Now do you realize where we are?" He asked, glancing at me for a quick second before adverting his attention back to the road.

I nodded. "We're in Statesboro!"

He turned onto Southern Drive, allowing Georgia Southern to come into view. We drove past it, my eyes glued to it the whole time. Luke stayed on the roundabout, ending us back onto Southern Drive and eventually the main street. I knew exactly where we were headed next. One mile to the east was Dingus Magee's, the place we'd met at.

Sure enough, Luke pulled into the college bar's parking lot and killed the truck's engine. It crackled and popped, cooling down. Luke turned towards me in his seat.

"Luke, you didn't have to do this." I said, my eyes watering up. I knew he'd bought the place out. No cars were in the parking lot except for two, employees.

Luke just smiled and got out before running to my side and helping me out. Taking my hand in his, we walked towards the doors. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles. "Yes I did." He whispered, opening the door.

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