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A/N: Herrow there. My name is Wardan Freeman and I- SHUT UP THIS IS MY STORY!!! Anyway hi there how ya doin'? Thank you guys for thirty seven reads and votes and blaaaaah. I dont know what I'm writing in this story but whatever brah I'll figure something out. And ummmmmmmmmmmmmuumumumumumumum haha wut I don't even know bro lol jk but not really. Ugh my brain. OMG MY CAT is adorable. Sorry if I'm too random. Last night I saw my mom watching TV on the couch you know? so I was all like omg and then I started rolling around on the floor like a baby who didn't know how to walk and she just stared at me and asked me if I was high or something. ANYWAYS TO ZEH STOREEEHH!!!


Adams P.O.V.

"SPRING BREEAAK!!" Ty shouted and started hitting me (in the game of course). We were doing another beach themed epic jump map with Elizabeth and Jason. It was a lot of people but the more the merrier right? Elizabeth being the sly cat (she would kill me for saying she was a cat by the way) she was had already taken a few sprint potions and was already to the first checkpoint.

"Hey! Elizabeths beating us!!" Jason said laughing.

"Oh no you don't!" Ty exclaimed and sprinted after her but failed epically (is that a word? Whatever it is now). Elizabeth was laughing hysterically and I could hear her in the next room, in real life of course. I was beating Jason and Ty when I noticed the small pixelated text in the lower left hand corner, it read, " Kizzy fell from a high place." Everyone burst out laughing and Elizabeth complained about being rude or something.

Later we finished the map and Elizabeth and I resumed to editing out videos and planned to upload them sometime tomorrow. I heard a knock on the poorly painted door in my office and Elizabeth poked her head in, her cat ears facing opposite ways. "Adam I'm making dinner are you almost done?" she asked. She always finished her editing faster than me since she didn't have thumbnails yet.

"Yea yea, I'm almost done! What are we having?" I said all in one breath.

"Your options are either tomato soup, mac n' cheese, or I can just order some pizza..." That last one she said a little deviously. I turned around and gave her a look and she giggled, "I knew it." Elizabeth muttered and walked into the kitchen to get her phone. I love pizza.

The next day we went to town since we had all our videos pre-recorded and scheduled to upload automatically. Elizabeth had insisted that we begin to fill her wardrobe as she only had two t-shirts and a pair of her own skinny jeans and too small dirty converse. Elizabeth pointed across the busy taxi car filled street at a small but teeny looking store. "Let's go there!" Elizabeth begged, she was jumping up and down and pouting like a five year old. She's so weird sometimes... Scratch that, she's weird all the time. We waited for the the light to turn red and jogged through the cross-walk. we went into the store called Styles, all the clothing was sorted by color and Elizabeth immediately headed for the back where the darker clothing was.

"So your one of those people?" I asked laughing mentally.

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth turned around with a scowl. I raised my hands in surrender. Elizabeth who was obviously content with my surrender began to speak," Just because I like to wear dark clothes doesn't mean I'm a certain type of person!" She snorted.

"Well then what kind of person are you?" I retorted.

Elizabeth turned around on her heel with her hands on her hips, this was clearly a subject she was serious about," Labels are for soup cans." I snickered and she silently proceeded to look through the clothing racks. We ended up getting only a plaid red jacket like Mitch's Minecraft skin. After that Elizabeth and I caught a taxi to go to the mall where we went to stores there like Abercrombie Fitch, Rue 21, Coles, and the worst yet, Victoria's Secret. We probably spent the most time there shopping for bras, I forgot to mention that Elizabeth has D cup sized breasts. After that we went to Hot Topic where we Elizabeth convinced me to buy at least a few things.

"Hey Elizabeth." I said nonchalantly.

"Yea Adam?"

I leaned in towards Elizabeth," How does nobody notice your tail and ears?" I said quietly, I just now noticed that we'd been walking around all day and Elizabeth has been flashing cat ears and a tail and nobody cares!

Elizabeth moaned as she grabbed a KISS t-shirt and held it up to my chest, "Well, I think people just think it's like an accessory or something. Look, theres some over there." Elizabeth pointed over to another rack in the middle of the room with a brown wolf tail with ears. I nodded and we continued to shop. Later after we checked out we headed to the food court. We had gotten a good amount of clothing and my arms were getting tired. At the food court be both agreed to get something from a chinese restaurant.

Elizabeths P.O.V.

"Hey! Look behind you Elizabeth!" I turned around to see this REALLY HAWT boy walking towards us, he must've been about eighteen and he had sandy blonde hair. I could tell her played soccer by the way his calf muscles moved. Is it wrong that I was aroused by this? A few seconds later another guy started making his way here, he looked a little like the first one except slightly taller, maybe 6", also he had the biggest nose I'd ever seen. He was still pretty cute though. The two boys sat down at our table with us, I had no idea who these two guys were so I sat there looking at Adam. "Elizabeth, this is Mitch and Jerome." Adam introduced us and I smiled. Jerome, Mitch and I had played a few minecraft maps together before so I was very, very glad to meet them.

I am not a Cat! (SkydoesMinecraft & others fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now