Chapter Three

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Ariana's Pov
I am starting my diet today. I'd do anything to stop being bullied. Tomorrow the weekend starts. I don't eat junk food at all.
(A day later)

I'm really improving. I actually like being on a diet. Tomorrow I have to go to school. Ugh!

(The next morning)

I wake up and look in my body mirror. Wow. I've lost a lot of pounds in just two days! I love this new lifestyle. I wonder what people at school will think.

I searched through my closet. I had nothing in my closet that fit anymore except for a crop top and a short skirt. I'm going to go shopping after school. I grabbed the outfit and a pair of black heels. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I put on the self tanning lotion. I never used it before. I thought I would try it. It actually looked very good on me.

I put my outfit on. I grabbed my makeup and did a natural look. I brushed my teeth and hair. I decided to leave my hair down and curled the ends. I looked hot.

I now feel confident in myself! I am so happy! I love myself and I don't need anybody else! I grabbed my car keys, and drove off to school. When I got there, everyone stared at me. I hope I look okay. I walked to my locker. Justin walked up to me, jaw dropped.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked

"W-who are you?" Justin asked

"I'm the girl everyone bullies. Why are you asking? You always bully me."

"I'm sorry for ever bullying you. I had a reason. After school come over my house and I'll tell you. Here's my address.

After Justin left I was shocked. Throughout the day, guys asked me out on dates and some girls asked to be friends. I said no to all of them. Like, why would I go out with and be friends with someone who always bullied me and never payed attention to me.

(At lunch)

Justin came up to me and asked me to sit at his table. I didn't really care so I just listened. The three girls who slapped me the other day are at this table.

" Hey, girl. Are you new here? Want to be friends? " asked the brunette girl. I'm guessing her name was Selena.

"Do you even know who I am. I've been going to this school for four years."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were new. So what's your name?" Selena asked.

"Ariana. I'm the girl you slapped the other day and bullied."

"Omg. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I even make fun of people. I guess it makes me feel confident about myself" Selena said.

Should I forgive her? What should I do? I guess I believe her. Wait a minute. There's this question I've been dying to ask. I'll ask Justin.



"Why is everyone acting so different around me? I used to always get bullied."

"Have you seen your body? Your beautiful. I've always liked you before you changed yourself. I just didn't show it because I didn't think you felt the same."

"I guess."

"Wanna be best friends?" Justin asked.

"Sure." I answered.

We ate lunch. Me and Justin got to know each other. He's actually not that bad of a guy.

(Skip classes)

After school, I went over Justin's house. I knocked on the door. Justin opened the door.

"Hey, come in."

I walked in. This place was huge.



"I bullied you so that you wouldn't know I liked you. I was afraid that you didn't like me back. I know I've said some mean things to you and I'm sorry. Your an amazing girl."

"Thanks. I don't really know if I like you yet. I need time to think."

"Okay. All the time in the world." Justin looked at my arms with a worried look on his face.

"What are those scars on your arms, Ari?"

"They are from me cutting. Every time I thought about a flaw I had I would cut. The ones that look new are the ones you caused last Friday. When you called me those names I felt so hurt."

"Ari, I feel so terrible. Knowing that I caused this I'm starting to hate myself. I'm so sorry! Is it too late now to say sorry?" He sang.

I laughed. He's actually kind of attractive. I don't know if I trust him. We are becoming good friends though.

Bullied (Justin Bieber+Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now