Finding Isabelle 2

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Hey guys!!!!! Before you read this update I would like to suggest a very interesting movie. I know its kinda old, maybe 2014, but I promise you its worth watching. So yeah. You might consider watching "The Green Inferno". For those who are done. Please comment. Let's start a conversation.

Thank you!!!!



I am on my way making coffee when Sophie walked in. She looked like she just had the worst night of her life. Though she dressed like a princess.

"What happened to you?" I simply asked her. She didnt even bothered to turn for me. Instead, she threw her sling bag on the couch and get a fresh milk from the fridge.

"Those boys were crazy. Who do they think they are?" She hissed and laughed. She drew her face near me and smiled. I saw the fine black lines of her eye liners on her face. It looked like she just cried a pale of tears.

"Why do I always won the second best?" She tapped my shoulder but for me it felt so heavy. "Am I not deserving to be the number 1?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My family, friends and all thinks that Isabelle is always better than me. Now that Isabelle is missing, they kept looking for her."

"Arent you?"

Her brow raised. "What do you mean?"

"Arent you looking for her. She is your cousin."

She pointed a very tough look at me before taking the first sip of her fresh milk. "Have you never been jealous of anyone, Dozha?"

"I have. But never to my cousin or someone close to me. It is better to be happy with what they are."

"What if they are your pain?"

I looked at her and touched her hair. The next thing I knew was I was combing her smooth hair with my finger. I can feel the pain from deep within her. Sometimes life is very unfear. Someone has everything you dont. Someone is everything you are never are. "Sophie, pain can only be indured by embracing what causes you that kind of pain. Eventually it will end."

"I wish I was as good as you." Then she shook her head and took another sip of her milk. "...but I dont wish to be good."

It sounded like a whisper to me. But the message is very clear. I pity her. Reality made her this way. Though it is a choice wether to ignore the pain that they cause her or fight against her. Well, on her part, she choose to fight it. In all way possible. Now, it is crystal clear. She have Isabelle.

Question is, Is she still alive?

"Do you want to tell me something Sophie?"

"Nah! I dont. I just want to let you know that pain made me stronger, a fighter and a winner."

She stood up and leave. Then seconds after I heard her shower.


Isabelle POV

Last night was tough. I could still remember the flashed of lightning inside this small filthy room, the thunder, the hard drops of rain. Seems like they have been crying out for me. Seemingly angry to someone.

Well, I would like to congratulate my self. It has been seven days since Sophie or whoever brought me here. I was wondering if my momma and Auntie is looking for me. They probably did. But to whom did they seek me? To Sophie? To the police. Polices isnt a help at most time. All they can do is question and question but at the end of the day they'll just say they were sorry for whatever it is which is actually not their fault.

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