Finding Isabelle 4

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                             name is Jonalyn and Im so very, fly oh my!!!im a lil bit scary..boys wanna marry..looking at my deirre ...

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Xoxo, hotstuff1214



"So what were you saying?" I asked Sophie as I took the last sip of my tea. We were in the school cafeteria. I was waiting for Dozha but she never showed up and suddenly Sophie sat in front of me.

"Oh!!! I said I missed this setup. Where we sat opposite to each other, staring like going eat each other, and dreaming about nighty things we usually did." She said as she gave me a wink. Damn!!! She's really beautiful and hottily sexy.

"Oh!!!yeah!!! Those days." I said almost not opening my own mouth.

"Those days." She repeated and she hang her right foot between my legs. That was under the table job. She used to do it before. With those foot she can turn me on and gave me a wildest dream. "I wish I never dumped you before."

"Oh!!! Forget about it." I smirked. Correction, she never dumped me hence I dumped her for being so slut. Fucking me and my father at the same time. "I moved on."

"Oh yeah!!!where's Dozha?"

"She... ahm... I dont really know where she is?" That was true. She never answer my calls since the last time we talked. I know she's really mad at me. I never meant those words.

"I have never seen her home since two days ago. What she up to?" She asked trying to fish information.

"May busy in academe." I boringly said and checked my phone.

"I saw Duke giving you something two days ago. Was that a phone?" She asked.

I turned my gaze up and smiled at her. "He.. showed his new iPhone 7."
Its not easy to lie.

"Sounds boring. Doesnt he know that you can afford to have one?"

"He did. Yeah. Recommending."

"I see." She got up and leave $20 on her trey. "I need to go."

"Where you going?" I asked, trying to sound like a doubtful dad to her sixteen years old flirty daughter.

"Something very important." She said and leave. I watched her walked towards the door and when she was quite far from me I stood up and followed her.

She continued walking towards the back exit of the university where she park her car.


Sophie's Pov

Damn that bitch. What made her think she could escape? I recieved a text from my men that they caught Isabelle and Louis together trying to jumped off the fence. It has been three days since my men noticed that she's missing. I thought I was dead but thanx for the evil who doesnt allow them to escape.

I parked my car meters away from the old hospital where I kept them. I felt my blood burning and I cannot wait to tear Isabelle into pieces. I walked inside and one of my men approached me and took my blazer off. I walked directly to the door where they tied the two escapers on the chair.

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