Vampire Justin: 1

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  • Dedicated to Serena :)


-two months earlier-

I am a kidnapped blood slave.

I was being sold, my last master was done with me, got sick of my blood maybe I don't know? Maybe he didnt want to have me around? he always called me annoying. Well he was the one who had kidnapped me.. So I am pretty sure he thought he would get caught so he sold me. well you know what I could care less.

My new master mr. Justin Bieber bought me for 5 billion dollars for some reason. Master Justin is a little more harsh than my last but he can sometimes be a sweet and caring person...

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While I was asleep my master Justin came up and slapped me to get me to wake up. I was startled and kind of pissed. I looked up at him and glared at him.

"Wh- what the fu- master its 2 am that was rude and uncalled for. Why woul-"

I was about to finish my sentence but master Justin interrupted me.

"My pet You do not speak to your master that way. I am thirsty now tilt your head" he whisper yelled at me.

Oh my god. Why does he have to be so rude at times like seriously? Can't he just calm down a bit maybe? I don't give two flying fucks if I am his blood slave he could've woken me up a bit nicer. oh my god can he be such an annoying cunt sometimes.

Master Justin gave me a death stare as I tilted my head. I was confused.

I flinched as I felt his sharp fangs digging into my neck. The pain is excruciating. It's like needles. I freaking hate needles they hurt like hell but you need them to like live you know? Just like Master Justin needs my blood for him to live. Right?

When Master Justin was finished he wiped his mouth and cleaned off my neck for me. That was kind of nice of him to do that since because he never done anything like that before. I felt Master Justin staring at me so I took a quick glance at him then at my thumbs which I started twiddling from the moment being somewhat awkward for me.

Shortly after Master Justin left me there, I passed out from being tired and lack of blood.


I woke up from my sleep. I didn't sleep too well tonight. I kept having this stupid dream of gummy bears chasing me across a river full of chocolate and through a candy apple forest. As I lazily rolled out of my bed, I checked the time.

Ok it's 7:03 I have some time to get my hair brushed and teeth brushed and have a quick shower.

I wiped my face really ugly like. As I was walking to the bathroom I tripped on something.

"SHIT!" I whisper yelled to myself.

I turned to see what it was. It was my old flute I played before I got bought by master Justin. I quit playing flute shortly after I moved in.

I lazily walked the rest of the way to the bathroom and checked to see how hideous I looked.

"Dayum gurl you lookin' fab today." I said to myself. god I have to stop talking to myself. it's even getting on my own nerves. I brushed my absolutely messy horrible excuse for hair while trying not to make too much noise. when I was done I got my toothbrush out and put some random toothpaste on and ran the water on it. the stupid toothpaste had to go and fall off didn't it.

"Ahh screw you toothpaste!" I quietly screamed at the blob of blueish in my sink.

Once I was done brushing my teeth I stripped down to nothing and stepped in the shower. I turned the water on and nearly froze to death. I was trapped in the corner of the tub. aha oh no. I ran through the ice cold water to get to the whatever its called. I turned it to the perfect temperature and just stood there for about thirty seconds clueless on what to do. I quickly washed my hair and cleaned myself.

By the time I was done it was 7:26. I have like four minutes to be upstairs cleaning for master Justin. If I'm not there by 7:30 I am most likely going to be punished. yeah I am not in the mood. If you haven't noticed already I am extremely pissy this morning and its not like I want to be punished for being late again.

Vampire JustinWhere stories live. Discover now