Vampire justin: 11

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I finished my food and so did Justin. As we left McDonald's a drunk vampire came and tried to get in a fight with Justin. It obviously not ending well..

I didn't get to see because Justin took him into am alley and I was too scared to follow because I didn't want to see anything that was going on.

Justin left alone only with a black eye.

"Oh my god Justin! Are you alright what happened??" I said my voice filled with worry.

"Yes Rose I'm fine. All that happened was we just went into the alley and he started to hit at me but his hits were sort of floppy and he kept missing me but then he got me in the eye actually kind of hard. before that happened I wasn't even fighting him just sort of laughing at him. but when he hit me I just punched him in the jaw as hard as I could and he just went down. so I just left him there. You could tell he wasn't Canadian." He said with a small chuckle.

"Oh um wow ok so lets just go home

Yeah? I'm tired." I said trying my hardest not to giggle.

"Yeah let's go." he said while grabbing my hand leading me to the car.

Once we were in the car we just sort of say there not saying anything. when he turned on the car it sort of startled me making me jump a bit. after an awkward silence Justin finally spoke up.

"Um Rose?" he said not looking towards me keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"Yeah?" I said in almost a whisper. I don't like to make loud noises

When its quiet. I find it weird.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a bit of worry in his tone of voice.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. just a bit tired." I said and he nodded.

When me and Justin got back home we decided to watch a movie..

We decided to watch The Lorax because you know we couldn't think of anything else to watch.

My eyelids were feeling heavy as i fell into a light sleep. I didn't make it through the movie..

Before I fell asleep Justin kissed my forehead. I chuckled and smiled a bit

While he was there just cuddling me.

"Have a good sleep my love." Justin whispered in my ear.

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