Vampire Justin: 12

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I woke up to Justin laying beside me in his bed. He had his arm wrapped around my waist securely. I tried to wiggle out of his hold so I could use the toilet but it was no use so i kissed Justin's nose to see if that would maybe wake him. Justin blinks a couple times before saying

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning Justin." I giggled.

"How was your sleep?" he asked quietly and sweetly.

"Good and yours?" I said loudly startling myself and Justin.

"It was better knowing you were beside me." he said smiling sweetly "oh and Rose did you know when your having a nightmare you sort of slap things?"

I looked down at my fingers. I glance at Justin who is smirking at me.

"Ehm Justin..?" I say quietly looking back down at my fingers.

"What is it? everything alright?" he asks in a very worried tone.

"No everything's not really alright.. if you don't let go like now I will pee on you." I say quickly with all seriousness.

He lets go of my waist in an instant letting me go to the toilet. I ran to the washroom and went pee. It came out like a waterfall . I don't think I've had to pee this much!

I skip back into the room happily. Justin sits up and laughs at my fabulous entrance.

"You seem happy." he says chuckling

"Very!" I say happily still skipping around the room.

All of a sudden the door bell rings and Justin sits up quickly. I stop skipping. i head down stairs as Justin slowly open the door.

"Hey." the voice says.


Hello there !!

I just wanted to say that yes in this story Vampires do sleep aha.

I also want to say happy birthday to this fabulous lil shit named Angel !!


Peace out ✌

Bye bye muah ;*

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