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We walk into the mall and the first thing we hear is "BIEBER!!" making mine and Justin's heads snap in the direction of the mans voice. I let go of Justin's hand and stomp my feet. Justin looks at me kind of hurt.
"Seriously?" I snap at the guy. but not loud enough because he didnt hear me. "again?" I ask turning my head up to face Justin who is looking down at me frowning. The guy starts walking in our direction and I start to back away slowly from him and Justin.

I turn on my heel in the opposite direction of them and start heading to a store. on my fourth step I hear my name being called.

"Rose?" I hear faintly. I ignore it thinking it was my imagination. I continue walking then I hear it again louder.


I turn around. I see Justin and the man watching me. I feel really weird... like uncomfortable weird. I'm not used to this much contact with any living thing. I start slowly walking back to them. When I reach them, Justin puts his hand on my shoulder and lightly squeezes. I look at him confused. he looks down then looks back up.

"That is my slave." the man says.

"Well she isn't anymore." Justin says grabbing my hand and squeezing tightly making me flinch. I look at them both confused not knowing what's going on. "I payed good money for her and I got her. I get to keep her. she is mine."

The man slightly growls "I will pay twice as much for her back. if that won't work three times as much. that's as high as I'll go. I don't even know why you bought a lazy piece of shit blood slave anyways. I'll just take her off your hands for you."

Justin glares at the man. "I payed for her because there was something about her that I needed to know what was. Not because she has the perfect blood. I fucking love Rose. She is my everything. I'm super glad I bought her. I payed a ridiculously large amount for her but I still think she is priceless. please leave." He says pointing to the mall doors. the man huffs and quickly walks towards the direction Justin was pointing. he stops right by me and leans in and whispers "I'll be back for you." he continues walking out.

On the way out he pushes a little toddler to the ground. the baby starts crying and everyone turns to face him. The mother storms up to him and screams in his face.


"Well your hideous monster baby thing was in my way as I was leaving the mall." he says while shuddering.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TALKING ABOUT MY CHILD LIKE THAT OR THAT YOUNG LADY OVER THERE!" She screams pointing over in my direction. Justin smiles at me.

"I think I do! it's just my opinion. I have freedom of speech!" he says simply.

"Verbal abuse and bullying is NOT 'freedom of speech'" she says angrily pointing at her baby then me.
"Come here love"

I slowly walk towards her playing with my fingers. She smiles politely at me. I smile back. she looks back at the man.

"You are a disgrace to this galaxy." she says then slaps him. hard.
"She doesn't deserve your bullshit. she may be human but she is still a living breathing person. you will treat her and others with respect. you need to stop."

The lady leans toward me and whispers "slap him". I nod. I raise my hand to slap him but I can't. her baby gets up and punches him with as much force as a four year old can get where baby making juices come from. which apparently is hard enough that he crouches over in pain.

"For us both." the toddler says and hugs my legs. I pick him up and hug him saying thanks. I hand him over to his mother while hugging her too saying thank you again.

I start heading back to Justin. people keep staring at me walking. when I reach Justin he smiles.

"More people should be like that right? we aren't All Bad." he says putting his arm around my waist as we walk toward the food court to have a sit down.


Short I know sorry. stupid teachers keep giving me homework and stuff. they need to stop. sorry if this sucks really bad I'm really tired and I'm not feeling well. Who ever is actually still reading this...
I love you so much thank you for not minding the wait too much.

Stay beautiful and think twice before you send or say something ok? bye x

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