Vampire Justin: 2

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Just as I got upstairs Master Justin seen me. He smiled? what? usually he doesn't make any facial expression when I come upstairs. this is unusually strange. I wonder what the hells up with that?

"Ahh my pet how was your sleep?" He said not sounding too interested.

"It was good I guess Master." I lied.

Master Justin looked at me not believing what I told him. .

"Come with me we need to get your cleaning outfit on you." He says almost immediately after I lied.

He leads me upstairs to his bedroom with two closets, one with his clothes and one with mine. His was dark brown with about half a shade lighter designs, tall, fancy and sorta decorated with some swirly patterns and such while mine was white with light brown patterns of hearts and stuff. it was also tall but not as talk as Justin's. When you opened mine, it had a full body mirror and a place for jewelry in it. I actually thought it was quite nice.

For my cleaning clothing he chose a short black maid dress with little white frills and black netted thigh high stockings. A little too sexual might I say .

I try my best to squeeze myself into that outfit. god it's not getting over my ass! SHIT! HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO THIS I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!! AHHAHA NOO!

"MASTER HELP I CAN'T GET IT ON!!" I sorta whine yell.

Master Justin comes in quite fast. I look up at him, my mouth forming an 'o' shape and I quickly as possible shield my half naked chest from him. Master Justin stands me up.

"Stand as straight up as possible and suck your belly in if you can. ok?" he says quietly.

I do as told and he easily slides the dress up. I look up at him to meet his eyes and I just manage to get out "oh". He sorta chuckles and leaves me to finish off changing.

When I'm done changing master Justin leads me back downstairs to the kitchen while holding my hand. I try to pull away but his grip gets even tighter.

"What are you making for breakfast my beautiful pet?" He asks me, his eyes sparkling like he hides little stars in them.

"Whatever you want master. Um what do you want?" I say tilting my head to the side looking rather confused.

"I would like some bacon and eggs. And my pet?"

"Yes master Justin?"

"Don't forget to make yourself some too this time maybe?"

"Yes master Justin. How would you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled please. And may I say you look pretty sexy in that little outfit I bought you."

"Yeah hah little." I rudely mumbled just quiet enough so he couldn't hear what I said.

"What was that Rose? did you say something?"

"No master Justin"

That was the first time he has ever called me by my name. I'm shocked.

As I was cooking I kept thinking about master Justin's beautiful golden-brown eyes and his perfectly kissable lips, and his smile is just amazing.!

Master Justin looked at me and laughed.

I love the way he laughs. Then I realized the reason Master Justin was laughing is because he can read minds. I completely forgot. I feel stupid..

As I get done finishing breakfast, Master Justin motions me towards him.

"Please give me a minute I need to get these last few dishes cleaned and put away."

"Leave the dishes y/n. and come with me!"

"But master I need to finish the-"

"You will come with me this instant just leave the dishes alone for a while." He said sternly but not too loud.

I put the dishes back in the soapy water and I follow him upstairs back to his bedroom.

Why was I getting changed so early? Or was it something else... I don't officially know.

Vampire JustinWhere stories live. Discover now