Dont hate me too much

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Hello. Sorry to disappoint but I do not know what to write. its hard thinking of stuff and my teachers will not stop giving me homework. I'm catching up really fast and there will be an update pretty soon LIKE NOT FOUR MONTHS SOON LIKE ABOUT 2 DAYS SOON. When I'm all done my homework. I wonder how many people actually like this so far and they will be together forever but there will be some drama along the way. not cheap twilight drama like someone getting killed and someone in the hospital. and fight scenes and stuff like that. I have an idea of what's going to happen in the future of the story but it's the next chapter that I can't figure out what to put in it. I'm asking for a bit of help. What would you like to read? what would you like to see happen? comment and help me out please!!!!

I love you!

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