Hawaii pt.2

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I went to Takiki village. It was an old village and very small! The people there had torn clothes and knotted hair. They were very tan.

Picture of a village in media!

  It was a miracle that the villagers could speak English, even if they weren't good at it. I look and there is a young, motherless baby. The little girl is unnamed, unhealthy, and newborn. Her mother died just before we came.

  "Aloha Jana! Aloha Jessa!..." Jonas, George's new friend went through every ones name, shaking our hand and telling us "aloha".

Once he finished he finally said, "I am Jonas, Georges friend! I have heard so much about you!"

After he finished I decided to ask why The baby didn't look Hawaiian.

"Uh, Jonas, why doesn't the baby look Hawaiian? I mean she's pale, and has blonde hair!"

"Oh the villagers didn't tell you her among story? Well once upon a time Malatan, the chief of the village saw a woman, a beautiful women, in the water yelling for help. Malatan took his boat and quickly swan out to her. The woman was expecting a baby and was on her way to see her mother in Hawaii, on an island on the other side of Hawaii. Her boat was stopping to drop of some passengers on this island, when about half a mile away, or maybe even a mile, the boat crashed. She had to swim half of the way on a raft she made out of ship debris. All the passengers were rescued but she was knocked out under the ships barrels. She woke up right when the rescue boat was about half a mile away. She swam half way until Malatan rescued her. She was sick from being in the cool water so long. Two weeks later she gave birth and died two hours later."

"Wow! That's so sad!"

(Jonas- a tall 25 year old male who helps George in the village)

  Day 1 in the village-

  Hawaii is so fun! We spent the night in the "guest hut". It was actually very roomy! We brought sleeping bags and pillows. We got to swim in the beautiful clear ocean in our clothes. I had the honor of naming the sweet little village baby, who is in the care of a recent mother at the moment. Her name is Lily Grace.
Day 2-

Today I decided to take my money and go to the nearest Walmart (30 minutes away by car) and buy Lilly some clothes, bottles, and other stuff baby's need along with the rest of the village.

I bought Lily really pretty floral outfits and some other stuff. I bought the village some handsoap and washcloths, toothbrushes, clothes, and other stuff. Spent a lot of money but it was totally worth it!

Day 3-

I have decided on a very important decision. One that Jamie might not like. I have decided to adopt Lily and bring her back to Arkansas. I already talked to mom about it. She said I would have to stay almost two more months until Lily could fly back with me. The Village said I could take her also. I have started taking care of her more. I drive to the airport, because it's the only place I can talk to Jamie.


Hey Jamie it's me! Jana!

Oh hey Jana I have news. Big news.

So do I! And I need to go first!

Um okay but-

I'm adopting a baby.


I have already signed the papers and everything and she would be in danger of the village if I don't so...I am.

Well I have news also. We are breaking up! You can't make such a big decision with out me! Goodbye Jana.


I am officially furious with Jamie.

Who needs him anyways?

Two months later —

I'm on my own for another month before I can go back home. And now I don't even have a boyfriend!

Okay so this chapter took TWO unexpected turns... Should Jamie come back or should Jana find someone else? Say in the comments below!!! And what did you guys think about Lilly?



Working on next chapter Hawaii pt. 3

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