Chapter 2

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My dad came in my room.

"Taylor I'm leaving for work. I'll be home later got to work later."

"Ok and I need some money on my credit card."

"Ok I will run by there and put some money on there."

"Ok bye."

He walked out of my room. I got up and went to the bath room, got in the shower. I got out wrapped my towel around me, walked to my room. I got some cloths on, and wrapped my hair in my towel. Walked over and checked my phone. Justin sent me a message

"We going I hang out today?" -j

"Umm yea I guess". -t

"Ok well can you come to the studio with me I'm recording songs today?" -j

"Ummm yea" -t

"Be ready around 10". -j

"Ok see you than". -t

I went and blowed dried my hair. My long black-brown hair fell down my back. I pulled out the straighter and parted my hair. I straighten the bottom part than the top. I walked down stairs, ate some food. I looked at the clock 9:46 I ran back up stairs grabbed my purse, phone and keys. I texted my dad

"Hey I'm going with Justin to the studio".


"Ok I put 150 on the card". -d

"Ok thanks see you tonight want me to Oder pizza or something." -t

"I won't be home till late so you can Oder and u eat I will stop and get something" -d

"Ok" -t

I ran down stairs, I got at the end of the step, and saw Justin at the door. He walked in.

"You ready?"


We walked out the door.i got in the car. We drove for about 15 mins. I got out of the car. I followed Justin in.

"Your lucky and can't tell anyone these songs."

"Why am I lucky?"

"Your the first person beside the crew, well outside world, fan wise, to hear these songs."

"Oh ok"

Justin walked into a room. He is his little handshake with the boys. I sat down in a chair. Justin went and played some songs. The first song he recorded was 'one time'

He was so cute singing. I was becoming fan by just listening to his voice. I got a little jumpy. I got out my phone. Played on it and got in twitter. I noticed Justin had followed me. I tweeted

"OMG @justinbieber followed me!"

He came out of the recording.

"Any songs you like"

"Yea I'm pretty sure the sig was 'one time' that was really good"

"Yea that's it I like it too."

We sat there in a awkward silent.

"I'm hungry" Justin said

"We'll let's go." Pattie said

"Everyone like White Castle?" Pattie asked

"Umm yea!" I said

We all got in the car and drive to White Castle.

We walked in we all ordered a number 1 which was 4 small burgers, with a small fry and large drink. (If you never ate at White Castle the burgers are really good,I'm eating there right now!)

We all got done eating and walked out. We went back to the house. Justin came over.

"Wanna play Xbox or wii?" I asked Justin


"Which one?

"I don't care you choose"

"I choose Xbox"

I grabbed the remotes and handed one to him. I went into the kitchen grabbed some chips, sodas, ice cream, and wipp cream. I walked back into the living room sat in all on the table. We played Xbox for while. Justin pulled out his phone. Justin had the same phone as me iphone 3G. He pulled up the camera and turned it around

"Say cheese"

I smiled. He took the photo. He looked at it. We were both smiling. He looked so cute.

"Send that photo to me."

"Ok" he pulled up the message and sent me the picture. He set the picture as his lock screen. I did the same. We played for hours. Justin's knocked on the door.

"Come in"

She walked though the door.

"Everything ok over here,"

"Yea playing xbox."

"Ok" she turned around and walked out the door.

"So when is your dad going to be home?"

"Umm I don't know. He said it would be late."


"Ok well I'm going to order pizza."

"Ok sounds good."

I went to the kitchen ordered 2 large cheese pizzas. I soaked back into the living room, where Justin was.

"So is your dad ever home?"

"We'll twice a week he gets off at 4:30 but every other day he gets off at 9:30 so yea"

"Is he off on the week ends?"

"No he works 7 days a week Sunday and Monday he gets off at 4:30"

"Oh that must suck having to stay here."

"Yes not really normally I have friends over or we go somewhere.''

"So when is your 16th birthday?"

"8 days."

"Oh ok well I need to be getting home. See you tomorrow maybe"

"No I got plans tomorrow with one of my friends."

"Oh ok well see you when I see you again. Also I know you probably won't do this but if your friend is a fan please don't give out my number."

"Oh well she is a fan and I won't give your number out."

"Ok bye talk to you later."

I watched Justin walk across the street. I ran upstairs and out my pjs on. I walked back down stairs and watched tv. He news came on. First thing I heard was

"Bieber has a girlfriend?"

I looked up at the tv. There was a picture of me, And Justin walking out of the studio. I watched the news when my phone buzzed.


"Taylor your on the news you were with Justin Bieber?"

I hung up I didn't want to hear it. I knew that she would ask me to get his autograph or something.

I walked up stairs I got text message after text message.

I got in bed pulled the covers up to my shoulders and everything got dark. And I fell off to sleep.

AN; and chappie 2 is up. Tell me what you think.

I fell for him (a Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now